
audience Reviews

, 69% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Blockbuster b, popcorn 🍿 Flick
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    So after being in development for like, 8 years, what do we finally get for a sequel of one of the greatest Tamil movie of all time? A blatant natalist propaganda. To be honest this movie seemed to just go with the flow. Like the famous saying goes, "Maybe the treasure was the friends I made along the way.", this movie's saying is, "Maybe the movie is the trends I picked up along the way." Because that's literally what this movie has done - pick up everything that came since 2010. So the movie begins with Nila, Vaseegaran's new robot. Now I have several questions. Firstly, how on earth did Vaseegaran make another robot? Wasn't it clearly mentioned at the end of Endhiran that he is not allowed to make robots? Didn't Chitti get dismantled at the end and then get shown to be that way till 2030? Secondly, in the first movie it was said that Vaseegaran took 10 years to make Chitti. So how did he make Nila like, almost immediately? Even if we consider he just copy-pasted the codes, still he has to make an entirely new model from scratch. And thirdly, why did he make it after Amy Jackson? Because she had become very famous back then? They don't even talk about Sana, as if she just, disappeared. So let's get the idea behind Pakshi Rajan. He's an ornithologist who wants to remove cell phone tower radiation because it kills birds. Dude, first of all, get your facts straight. Towers only cause disturbance, they don't KILL birds! Throughout the movie whenever anyone said no one dies of tower radiation, he would always reply by saying that they should try spending 24 hours under a tower. I mean, okay then? I lived in a village which had a huge tower right next to it. I stayed there for about 17 years, and at max I only got tinnitus. So there goes your emotional appeal. This movie was clearly made with the intentions that kids will stop using their phones with the fear that it may damage the ecosystem. To this I will say only one thing: Okay, boomer! And the CGI. The goddamn CGI. Baahubali was made at 1/3rd the cost of this movie and had a way more realistic CGI. The way Pakshi Rajan's soul peacefully comes out and then turns evil with a jumpscare was so predictable and hilariously bad. All the birds clearly looked animated. The action scenes were okay-ish, but I found Pakshi Rajan's CGI kinda disgusting. He needed more than just fake feathers. There's a reason why humans aren't birds. Such a look is only good for a KFC mascot, not for an intimidating villain. Finally, the part that bothers me the most: The message that this movie wants to give. Like mentioned above, this movie wants us to stop using cell phones because it will destroy the environment. Vaseegaran blatantly speaks it out in the end. And the other message that this movie wants to give is, also briefly mentioned in the beginning, natalist propaganda. No matter how many wrong things humans do, even if they kill and destroy the environment for their own greed, they will always be considered correct. I wouldn't have had this problem if Pakshi Rajan won in the end. I was absolutely routing for him. But this wasn't the case. So I'm absolutely disappointed. 2.0 could have been one of the best movies ever made if it was made with a proper story, decent CGI and any relation with its prequel. Instead it felt like a cash grabber that just wanted to make enough money to get out of its production hell. I'm really disappointed and trust me, I get no fun trashing this movie. I had been waiting for it for the last many years. They could have just hired me. I would have worked for free.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Awesome if you experience it in 3D.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's a good movie from shankar after his disappointing "I". Though 2.0 has predictable story , less entertainment quotient and slow 1st half it can be surely seen for its VFX(best ever in indian cinema till date) , proficient direction , shankar imagination , AKshay kumar flashback , message , unique action scenes and wildly imaginated climax. Only if shankar had written a good story and trimmed down few scenes it would have been much more engaging. It received above average talk at boxoffice but collected 798cr in total and became the 2nd highest grossing indian movie in india and 3rd highest grossing indian movie worldwide.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great vfx work in indian setup!!!,great thought putup by shankar sir
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Good Movie with very High Standard of VFX and Movie Sounds Technically Good.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great movie, great acting by akshay kumar, but sorry rajnikant fans rajnikant is disappointing to watch
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    Mr. Shankar has produced so many great stories in the past, many of them were Blockbusters! But here unfortunately his formula didn't work. The Story feels confusing, the facts are not on the point, so many cliches and flaws are there in the Plot! It seems he somehow forgot to rectify those issues in the final cut! Rajnikanth as Dr. Vashikaran couldn't bring the same impact as the first Robot film! His character felt hollow unlike in Enthiran where his part had so many layers to follow! Amy Jackson too hasn't got much part to play! She was just there to bring the Glamour potion! Though on the other hand Akshay Kumar played his character brilliantly! We never seen him in this kind of Avatar before so it's a refreshing change (And a welcome one). His backstory, past made the emotional impact the story desperately needed. If you can keep aside the Plot holes and Cringe worthy over the top moments and just focus on the CGI/VFX then it's a pleasure treat! I was honestly surprised how detailed and spectacular the Graphics looked (As per Indian Film Industry goes, It's the best till now). Overall a nice Time pass movie you can surely watch with your whole family! Kids will love it! But Dear Adults don't high up your expectations ; For your own good!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Biggest visuals of the great Shankar sir
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    great awesome movie deserve 70 rating