American Fiction
audience Reviews
, 95% Audience Score- Rating: 1.5 out of 5 starsI really disliked this movie mostly from the actors' performances which were below average and that made the whole movie not worth watching for me. The idea behind the script was good but it felt like they spent most of their time in one room during the movie and were just really bad actors.
- Rating: 4 out of 5 starsMonk (Jeffrey Wright) ist ein Romanautor. Doch seine Bücher sind nicht beliebt und werden, kaum gekauft, da sie zu anspruchsvoll sind. Er soll einen Buch schreiben, was "schwarz" ist. Eine dunkelhäutige Autorin hat Erfolg und Monk ist eifersüchtig auf sie. Er beschließt ein Buch zu schreiben, welches lauter Klischees und Vorurteile über dunkelhäutige Menschen beinhaltet. Er nimmt dies nicht ernst und möchte alle verarschen. Die Prämisse ist ganz interessant und Jeffrey Wright spielt den Monk super. Die Storyline mit dem Buch ist das Interessanteste am Film. Es gibt, jedoch eine Nebenhandlung, die mich nicht weniger jucken könnte. Außerdem hätte man bezüglich des Buches und der Vermarktung mehr riskieren können. Die Handlung mit dem schwulen Bruder und der Demenzkranken Mutter ist zwar nett, passt aber nicht zum Rest des Films. Der Film hat zu Recht den Oscar für bestes Originale Drehbuch gewonnen. Die Message beim Familiendrama ist wichtig, aber passt wie gesagt nicht wirklich zum Film. Man hätte zwei Filme daraus machen können. Das Ende hat mir sehr gut gefallen. 8,5/10
- Rating: 5 out of 5 starsDelivers a reality and poignancy perfectly unique. Jeffrey Wright shines triumphantly in his role and the harsh realities of life’s journey. Fabulous
- Rating: 5 out of 5 starsThis is one of the best movies I have ever watched. Just when you think things could not be more absurd, it goes beyond ! The acting is fantastic. This directing is superb! A must see!
- Rating: 3.5 out of 5 starsIt was a lot better than I thought it would be
- Rating: 3.5 out of 5 starsA solid story and entertaining enough. Does have a couple of flat spots though, and it's not the sort of movie that requires a repeat viewing.
- Rating: 4 out of 5 starsOverall, a good choice for a date night movie. The story & acting talent were great. In fact, I liked the movie enough to add Percival Everett to my reading list - a decision which I’ve not regretted.
- Rating: 5 out of 5 starsBeautiful movie, great script, and the actors are supreme. Any writer who sees this movie, feels at home. But even if you are not a writer, there are plenty of reason to engage with the history.
- Rating: 5 out of 5 stars👍🏿 very entertaining definitely would recommend
- Rating: 4.5 out of 5 starsOne of the best films of recent vintage for hubby and wife date night. It's funny and it is a farce and it may just be brilliant thanks to the work of Jeffrey Wright. Cord Jefferson wrote and directed his first feature after years in TV. The film is smart. So intelligent, it may be worth a second watch. There are out of nowhere laughs and an ending that we could take or leave. Fascinating concept, but is this a film made to make white people happy like the book that is being featured in the movie. When we started to think about the concept design wife nearly broke hubby's brain. Whatever the case, it's a tender and well executed feature. Hubby: 9.2/Wife: 9.2 Final Score" 9.2/10