American Refugee

audience Reviews

, 26% Audience Score
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    An interesting look at the various ways people may deal with a collapse of society, including some of the asset/liability and paranoia/trust issues that arise. The movie thankfully avoided the low hanging fruit of 'because racisms'. Was going along kinda well till the last 10 minutes where everything from the script to the acting itself went in an unrealistic and absurd direction. The final two minutes seem like they tried to make up for the previous ten that had turned a good movie into a "Meh, it passed the time." movie.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great! How r all the bad movies rated high and good movies low! This is a 5 star for me!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I gave this movie 5 stars because I'm ignoring the underlying, racist stereotypes. To begin with, the movie is entertaining from the first few minutes until the very end. You don't know what will happen next, which is rare for a film, now days. Here's the reason it got bad reviews: The ending, and I mean the very last two minutes. is unrealistic. It had to be written this way, though, to redeem its endless flaws in relationships to how it portrayed black men and women. Like everyone else said, it emasculates black men and writes the two black women into the "strong black woman" archetype. Let's not forget the ever-cheating black man, and "angry" black woman who takes him back. It could've been easily written in a way in which the women were more feminine and where the main, black character was less of a coward, while still portraying the main character as someone who views both through those lenses. The idea that this man and his family were so incompetent, wasn't even believable, as a plot line. I can't agree with the assessment about their son, since the plot clearly states that he was nonverbal because he was adopted by them, coming from a past involving severe trauma. I've worked with trauma survivors and kids are most likely to use this coping mechanism, and often do. It still would've been better had they said he'd only been with the family for a year or two. It portrays both as excellent, loving parents, as well as a supportive sibling, meaning the child which would have made an improvement to the point of periodically using words, only digressing to being non-verbal under stressful situations, like in the movie. A better approach would've been having the child use words before finding out about his aunt or witnessing the break in. That's neither here nor there, though, unless there are plans to rewrite the entire script. It's not a hard movie to watch, though, if taken with a grain of salt, and ignoring the uncomfortable undertones, throughout. As a film to just veg out to, I'd highly recommend it. It truly does leave you wondering what'll happen next. The ending even satisfying, in comparison to the rest.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    Filme lixo! Nunca pensei que conseguissem fazer um filme tão escroto e sem noção como esse. A julgar pelo trailer imaginava que fosse um filme de cair o queixo! Primeiro não é um filme de sobrevivência e, sim de uma aula de lacração. Temos a mulher que é machista, onde tem o marido fraco... Nossa, esse filme se superou na ruindade. Nem quero mais comentar a respeito!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved it. It took an unexpected dark twist and I was on the edge of my seat for most of it. It was a reality check.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    You'll want to become a refugee instead of watching this film. Acting stinks, story line stinks, and lousy neighbors. Implausible reactions to unrealistic situations. You can do much better with your time than sitting through this. 2 star rating is generous. #stevensleavin
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    It was a decently suspenseful movie for being an obvious super low budget. The reason for one star is the ridiculous ending that makes zero sense whatsoever! This ending would never happen.
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    Troppi punti di domanda in questo thriller distropico; troppi elementi vaghi e senza risposta. A partire dal contesto in cui non si comprende bene cosa stia succedendo e quali siano le cause; il comportamento e le relazioni tra i personaggi sono poco chiari e molto artificiosi. La scena del parto in pochi minuti poi è una forzatura evidente a chiunque, peccato perchè rovina anche la sequenza di azione probabilmente più riuscita del film. Finale da tutti felici e contenti a dir poco scadente.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    One family prepares for anything. Another is prepared for nothing. So like anything the ones not prepared go and slowly take over on the ones prepared. Lying and stealing about sums up this movie.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    This movie was written by some kind of black male,but aimed at the strength of other black men. It was an all out assault against heterosexual black men and black boys. It paints a picture of a black boy being dumb, the Caucasian son is bold enough to ask the black father about dating after sharing the room with his black daughter. The black daughter is defiant against her dad and blames him. The black father portrays a role of knowing nothing about surviving and his black a#$ wife saves them through her medical degree by caring for the ailing Caucasian baby and its mother. I know for sure what would have really happened in the shower scene. Black slave women were not always raped. Many welcomed the sexual encounter. This movie is an assault on the black man and black boy, but it's also a great deal of truth.