
audience Reviews

, 67% Audience Score
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A schoolboy takes care of his sick dad, who suffers from a supernatural disease with violent proportions. A teacher decides to investigate the obscure reality of the boy to find he is actually hiding a mythological beast with an insatiable appetite for human flesh. "Antlers" explores one of the most terrifying creatures of folktales: the Wendigo. A monster story empowered by some of the most painful conditions of human existence: sickness, grief and loneliness. It also features one of the best performances from a child actor (Jeremy T. Thomas). Dark and disturbing!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A bit obvious, both in its plot and symbolism, but I appreciate the movie's unflinching violence.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    While it has its plot holes, it's still dark enough to entertain a fan base.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Grim/dark/depressing and brutal. I love it! Amazing creature design and gruesome practical gore effects. All actors do fine job, especially the kid actor impressed me. One of the best horror films of the decade in the creature-feature niche
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A realistic modern day scenario of a wendigo/skinwalker curse terrorizing a small community. And the wendigo creature is terrifying. Good storyline too. The only criticism i have of this movie is...i didn't see how the two kids' father got infected by the wendigo curse, and how he survived the wendigo creature's attack, when his meth lab buddy got killed but not him.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Antlers was not what I thought it was but that made it more interesting. I have mixed feelings about people turning into wendigos because of a virus/curse but I have never seen it before and it's interesting the film can sometimes be scary overall it's alright
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Guillermo Del Toro siempre ha sabido traernos historias interesantes con criaturas que tienen el aire de los mitos o los cuentos de hadas. Esta vez se encargó de producir algo que trate de plasmar la leyenda del Wendigo. Muy pocas veces se ha usado a esta criatura en el mundo del cine y lo que esta película trata de hacer es que la leyenda de este ser se haga más conocida para los que son ajenos a ella. La película respeta las características más comunes del Wendigo y el diseño que se le dio a la criatura logra replicar ese aire mítico que tiene. Lo que la película ofrece es un buen concepto que podría dar como resultado una muy sobresaliente película sobre la leyenda del Wendigo. Tiene potencial, pero le falto más energía en el ritmo. La historia es en parte dramática por dar guiños sobre el duro pasado Julia y Paul, pero no se ha explorado lo suficiente para darle más motivación a Julia en su deseo por ayudar a Lucas. Lo que la película sí logra hacer bien es la ejecución del peso psicológico y emocional que carga el joven Lucas, haciendo que sea el personaje más interesante de ver. Hay suspenso desde luego, pero faltaba más tensión. Tiene ese balance de historia de monstruos y drama que es característica en las películas de Guillermo Del Toro, pero en esta ocasión la película se siente algo débil. Antlers es una película con un buen concepto, pero pudo haber sido una mejor película. Mi calificación para esta película es un 7/10.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Worst thing I've seen in the wild since I don't even know
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    For 10/29/2021: Director Scott Cooper adapts the short story 'The Quiet Boy' by Nicholas Antosca A large cast of unknowns minus Keri Russell and Graham Greene Taking place in a small Oregon town this is about the Wendigo legend of Native American folklore and how Mother Nature is hurt can strike back violently if it feels threatened It's about what we do to each other and what we do to nature The focus is a small boy Lucas whom is very quiet and keeps to himself but he's holding a dark secret no one knows about Something happened to his father while working in the coal mine His teacher Julia has experience facing a trauma of her own with her abusive father and her brother as the sheriff growing up wants her to move on She barely recognizes her home anymore after all it's been through Julia takes a special interest in Lucas almost acting as a surrogate mother even though he's not her responsibility, she believes she can help him believing he's facing abuse and abandonment Parental neglect and trauma are some of the ideas spread throughout, the destruction of families serves as the analogy for this mythical creature Drugs, unemployment, and domestic violence plague this desolate Oregon community (sorta resembling the opioid epidemic) and the Wendigo serves to enhance that level of dread It's a place barely clinging to life that's desperate and dark This film takes more of a slow burn approach and relies on dark shadows and lighting to keep the monster hidden which works to the film's advantage until the very end This works both as a supernatural creature feature and a brooding based-character drama The Oregon setting matches the mood surrounded by mist, rain, and the almost emptiness of this town giving it a claustrophobic feel It's a shame Graham Greene is only in 1 scene for exposition But the rest of the movie is helped by grisly makeup effects, terrific gore, and a decent atmospheric effort from Cooper Guillermo del Toro once again brings his passion for bringing monsters to the screen, he is a visual genius when it comes to physical and practical effects The movie is short but gets right to the good stuff slowly unraveling the mystery of the monstrous figure Scared me a few times too Love how smart Keri Russell is and caring and newcomer Jeremy T. Thomas' screen presence The Wendigo itself acts as an allegory to reconcile what the people are doing incorrectly; the rage and abuse incarnates this creature ‘Antlers' is one of those rare horror movies that works with both human drama and legitimate scares while also tackling poverty, child abuse, addiction, and the environment Very bleak but it offers a good look how depressing each of these peoples' lives are being quite evocative
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Cooper uses the beautiful scenery of British Col- ..I mean Oregon to create quite an otherworldly atmosphere that compares best to TWIN PEAKS. Sadly, he never accomplishes anything memorable with his mix of folklore, exploitation of nature, child abuse, and a portrait of a region with a dying economy (and its inhabitants). The film lacks focus, I didn't like Keri Russell, and the script should have seen some more work. You will get tense atmosphere, beautiful cinematography, interesting characters, great practical effects and native horror, though. It's a fascinating mixed bag.