Fast-paced, funny, and fresh, Booksmart does the seemingly impossible by adding a smart new spin to the coming-of-age comedy.
Though it really shouldn't be at this point in time, it's exhilarating to see a film centered on teenage girls... Yet to champion the film as a universal reflection of teenage girldom rather than a highly specific fantasy also does it a disservice.
Read full articleWith elegant clarity, Booksmart demonstrates how certain experiences can feel colossal and of walloping import even when we know we're waiting for something else-something we can't possibly fathom.
Read full article...witty, raucous, perfectly played and eventually packs an emotional wallop.
Read full articleIt's raunchy and kind of gross at times, but there is such heart, sweetness, and honesty about high school.
Read full articleIt sounds like such a cliche but you will literally laugh and cry, and flash back to your own teenage days with fondness, not horror.
Read full articleFirst, the good news: it's immediately clear that Wilde is a filmmaker by vocation... If anything, the film is polished to a fault: the marketing term "elevated genre," most frequently applied to horror, feels equally apt here.
Read full articleWilde's direction and script oozes with the confidence and mastery of someone that has been directing for ten-plus years.
Read full articleSomething just clicks about Booksmart. It’s startlingly funny, maybe a tad over the top, but I struggle to find something that’s a genuine issue.
Read full articleBooksmart is hilarious without ever making fun of someone for the sake of a joke. It is earnest and sweet, a pure delight.
Read full articleBooksmart is a wonderful addition to the coming-of-age genre, one that possesses two astonishing protagonists. Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever might become superstars in the future if they continue to display such remarkable performances.
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