Brahms: The Boy II

audience Reviews

, 44% Audience Score
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    one of those creepy doll horror movies. kinda meh
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Best of the series IMO
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    no brahms, horrible, 0/0
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    This horror film, by William Bell, does a great job of following the narrative from the first movie. At first, I did not know how the first scene in the film was going to tie into the story line of Brahms the doll, but the directors and writers did a great job of tying in both stories together to create a great horror story to continue from the first movie. I watched "The Boy" for the first time in 2017 and was not expecting a sequel to come out based on the ending of that movie. But now I stand corrected because the authors did a great job of keeping the story line living on and creating even more interest with what had happened in the first movie plot. I was very enticed the whole movie and had confusion of what was occurring because of the ending in the first. I kept thinking of how these mysterious activities were happening during the entire movie. Then just like that, the whole scene of what was going on became so evident to my eye and I knew how this was continuing without the actual psycho in the walls. The actual presence that controlled the system since the early, early ages was not seen to be possible the whole first and second movie. I believe this horror movie did a great job of continuing more of a suspicion rather than apparent, visual actions occurring to keep the viewers eye on all of the scenes. I rate this move three and a half stars because it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time, but it was not as scary as the first one in my opinion. I was expecting more violence and aggravation throughout the movie but there were only a couple of moments that showed these activities. I feel as if there were more possible scenarios within the movie that more action could have happened. I do recommend watching this movie to my peers because it does do a great job of living on the horrendous story of Brahms.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    As if the first wasn't bad enough, here comes an even more ridiculous sequel. If only there were a zero stars option. Way too many sequels of everything, done horribly wrong, but that's Hollywood.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    La historia del tétrico muñeco Brahms continua en esta secuela que era evidente que llegaría, pero corroborando lo que al principio de la primera película parecía ser algo engañoso. Al principio la película anterior planteaba la idea de que el muñeco parecía estar poseído y en esta secuela se confirma que dichas sospechas eran correctas a pesar del giro inesperado de la primera película. Por un lado, la película luce mejor que la anterior porque tiene más suspenso, se siente más intensa y tiene un ambiente de terror más notable. La cuestión surge cuando se revela la verdad sobre el muñeco Brahms expandiendo y aclarando su rol en esta franquicia, pero dejando un par de cuestiones y dudas al momento de conectarla con la película anterior. Lo que al principio parecía ser solo una trampa psicológica, ahora en esta película resulta que todo el conflicto relacionado con el muñeco tiene un origen sobrenatural. Eso es algo que deja muchas cuestiones sobre esta secuela y su relación con la primera película. Como película de suspenso logra ser decente, pero es una secuela que en términos canónicos deja muchas cosas que pensar, interpretar o cuestionar. Mi calificación final para esta película es un 8/10.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    This is a lazy sequel.!!!!!
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    When I was 10 years old, I ate an entire sheet of notebook paper on a dare. Watching this terrible sequel evoked a similar sensation. It doesn't help that the creators of this movie have clearly never seen the first one. They completely unraveled the lore that made the franchise interesting in the first place. And even though the first film is far from my favorite, I still felt offended on its behalf.
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    What I liked most about the first one, they throw it away here. It's not so bad, I liked the leading family, but it's not even close to the original.