
audience Reviews

, 72% Audience Score
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I think Broker works in its smaller moments, but I was a bit unmoved by the movie's grander gestures. Hirokazu Kore-eda doesn't strive too much to hit on new themes of makeshift families and the innate desire for human connection, and he's achieved this to a much finer extent in previous movies. Full review:
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    A workable melodrama, likely because the movie is so character focused. It even finds a way to effectively sell the murder mystery subplot.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    It gets quite good in its second half. There is some nice sentimentality paired with music, acting, and cinematography, and a very good message. But they could have cut 30 minutes from the film. The beginning was very slow. The tone was also slightly jarring for the subject matter.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Very nicely shot sugar porn for bourjois film critics. Everyone is so really pretty, or uncle-ey and vulnerable. In real life I wonder where you could find a dreamy orphan turned child trafficker (and his paternal colleague), a cynical police auntie with a heart of gold, an impossibly pretty under-age prostitute wanted for murder, and a charmingly naughty affectionate young orphan (all) without any rough edges. They all look, talk, and think like they have been plucked out of a saccharine soap opera. You can like the movie and get attached to the characters because they are pretty (and there is a cute baby), but you'd be kidding yourself if you think that there is much else going on.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I cannot understand reviewers. It's worst movie that made by koreada. Main characters are murder and making crime they are not good people
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The plotline about the criminal gang could have been better written and presented. It felt a little lazy. But other than that it's pretty good. Charming, funny and heartbreaking all at once. With a pretty good cast, a solid main plot and script it knows how to pull on your heartstrings. The characters and their chemistry to each other is well crafted. The movie's shot mostly from generic stationary angles and it uses long shots that are not much edited. There is not a lot music but some mellow tunes. It focuses more on the characters and script. That being said, the cinematography, editing and score may not be outstanding because they aren't always being used to enhance the narrative... but that's exactly why the movie has a such a grounded and realistic feel to it instead of being artistically theatrical. I think that was important since it's about nothing but a bunch of people and their experiences together on this trip. That alone can be deep enough to create something appreciable and meaningful.
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    That was just OK. Definitely not the best of Koreeda, thoug Song Kang Ho was very good as always. Good idea, so-so execution, and most of all, kind of very slow rhythm.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Overplotted and equivocally melodramatic, Hirokazu Koreeda drops one too many dramatic bombshells and enfeebles the chords he strives to strike in a story debating the ethics of trafficking abandoned babies when a pair of church workers likening themselves to brokers a road trip to find suitable adopters.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Ultima opera di Koreeda che si cimenta anche con il coreano e lo fa con grande successo e qualità; portando l'ennesimo esempio virtuoso della bontà del cinema dell'estremo oriente. "Broker" porta davanti allo schermo una serie di personaggi perfettamente sviluppati e riusciti nella loro totalità, senza lacune e senza punti morti. La sceneggiatura è leggera, evitando di drammatizzare anche i momenti in cui potrebbe farlo ed è aiutata in questa dal viaggio on the road che rende il racconto un moderno "Little Miss Sunshine" con fini più cupi. I dialoghi sono calzanti ed immediati, l'ironia sottile e quasi mai banale. Nel finale, l'ironia e la leggerezza con cui vengono affrontati i temi si scontrano brutalmente con un finale dolce amaro, in cui non c'è ricerca del lieto fine stucchevole ma in cui invece i personaggi si scontrano con i loro ineluttabili destini, senza esclusioni e senza falsità. Un'opera sincera e moderna, in grado di racchiudere diversi stili e sentimenti al suo interno e di farli coesistere perfettamente.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    A sentimental and wholesome depiction of unfortunate people striving to be better but always held back by their pasts – though the conclusion will leave many feeling underwhelmed.