Cassandro, the Exotico!

audience Reviews

, 60% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The greatest 01 hour: and 13 minutes of wrestling ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Un relato crudo e íntimo que retrata a la perfección el sufrimiento del ser al ser diferente del resto
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Director Marie Losier's independent documentary on the cross-dressing, openly gay Mexican wrestler-superstar is an intimate portrait of a man of many contradictions who fought his way into acceptance and (unlikely) popularity in a sport that's often jacked up on homophobic masculinity yet at the same time, camp as Christmas. Showing on MUBI now, this film, shot on 16mm, lasts all of 73mins and it feels like I'm watching someone's home video. With no frills or gimmicks, the presentation is as straight-laced and ordinary as its subject matter isn't. Cassandro may be a glamorous character in the ring, but behind the scene, it is pure hard work and dogged persistence. While the film touches on his humble beginnings, as well as his decades-long animosity with his father (which has been reconciled), they are not delved in particularly deeply – something a different documentary might have spent more time on. Relegating all that to the past instead, the only backward looking this film does in any detail is his rise to fame in the lucha libre business from villain to hero. But even that is just to set the background for the real focus here: the physical toll the sport has taken on him and how he is handling the possibility that his 26-years long career of pain and suffering, both on and off the ring, is about to (or has already) end(ed). For someone who find wrestling generally a fascinating and somewhat sexy contradiction in and of itself, this is an attractive, enthralling and ultimately bittersweet view that's worthy of 3 stars. For those who don't, it will only be of passing curiosity value, so it's more of a 2 stars affair.
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    Es una lástima que la historia de Cassandro haya caído en manos de Marie Losier. El documental es malo, del todo superficial, esta mal rodado y termina mostrando cosas muy irrelevantes que nunca se acercan al corazón de este gran personaje. La historia de Cassandro debe ser demoledora, cuenta con todos los ingredientes para ser una historia superb pero este flojo documental no muestra mayor cosa, no hace honor a su protagonista, lástima.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    Wow this did not keep my interest. Turned it off.