
audience Reviews

, 72% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing! Science. Astronomy. Mysterious signals. A fantastic and intense sci-fi movie I'd never heard of. Wow. πŸ”­πŸ›ΈπŸ›°οΈ
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A beautifully made film about friendship. Three blokes share a common interest and when they discover something unexplainable, their response is that of normal human beings, not how Hollywood thinks people react.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This movie is a hidden gem! Excellent writing, excellent and incredibly relatable characters. It is a riveting story with a real life drama feel - they make the science exciting and intense - with an excellent sci Fi premise and a plot that is an astrophysicists dream come true! The relationship between the characters and their friendship are the heart of the movie.. well worth watching! Highly recommend! A true classic sci fi!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Three astronomers sit in their car looking for extraterrestrial signals. You know what's gonna happen. On a budget of $7,000, the Weavers (brothers?) demonstrate it's story and acting that drives a good film, not money. I'm impressed they were able to keep the viewer engaged while the film is mostly set in a small hatchback. At 2 hours and change, however, they could have shaved the beginning about 15 minutes for a crisper film. Recommended From what I found online, however, three knowledgeable scientists would not have been in the woods but on a bare mountain top.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Didn't know this was a movie made on a handful of bucks since it was so well done. Some scenes were overly dramatic & cliche but still a quality effort with a cast that drew you in to their characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I think this film deserves praise for what it managed to achieve with its clearly limited budget. It's also pretty original. That said, it's constantly shifting tone made me feel like it was either made by two people with very different ideas about what it ought to be, or by one who simply couldn't decide. For the most part, the dialogue is very grounded and British (conversations about tea, cakes and the weather? Why, of course!), but around the midpoint, it begins favouring cheesy speeches and melodramatic exchanges. At times, it has an almost Simon Pegg-esque sense of humour, but at other times takes itself far too seriously, transitioning rather abruptly between the two. The score, while beautiful, might feel at home in a Hollywood sci-fi epic, but seems unnecessarily grand for such a modest story. It might have worked had it been saved for the climax of the film, but is used too liberally throughout, and at odd moments, forcing upon us the idea that we should be 'feeling' something in scenes that don't really warrant it. Also, the run-time could have been shaved down by a good twenty minutes without losing anything. There are repeated lingering shots on objects that we have already established the significance of (I don't need to see that red hat every ten minutes, I get it, I do, please move on), and the film's littered with three-second-too-long shots of characters staring at things...or each other. I swear, with this, alongside the emotional music and awkward tension near the beginning, I genuinely thought it was about a guy reuniting with a bitter ex-lover. It would have been an interesting direction to take the film in if I'm honest and would have explained a lot when it came to both the characters' behaviour and the film's creative choices. But no. And the actual reason for all that build-up wasn't nearly as compelling. All that said, it was nice to see a more realistic, character-driven sci-fi film. When the script was good, the actors delivered it well. The music, though inappropriate at times, was lovely. It's unnecessarily long run-time will make it a slog for some, sure, and those looking for action won't find much, but in a time of copy-paste blockbusters, it was a welcome change.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Wow! Amazing film. Quite suspenseful after a period in the beginning that has a lot of character development in a car (yes, so much of movie is in a car - don't worry about it). Small budget but you won't notice as the camera work, acting, soundtrack, and writing are great. Great values of friendship, teamwork, anti-corporatism, hope, while also being a positive SETI themed first contact movie. No, this isn't "Contact", but if it had entered film festivals it would have won best movie at one I am sure. Probably it lost out due to pandemic. My girl friend usually likes rom-coms - but she loved this one. We tried to learn more about production and the actors after trying to figure who made this and how. Don't miss this one!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the first time I've ever given 5 stars to a movie. Cosmos is the proof that it is still possible to make great movies. Great acting and chemistry between the cast. The music was also engaging. Three guys in the middle of nowhere are all you need to make a movie. It's not a dark message announcing a bleak future but rather a message of hope.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is an amazing film. A cast of 4, and a budget of $7,000. And you'd never know it. Great acting, script and cinematography, and characters you care about which makes the whole thing more real. See it, you won't regret it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was so surprised at how 3 men in a car could pull off such a good film. They literally had all the equipment in the car to make first contact. It was a mix of ufo contact, the complications and beauty of friendship, and also gave us the alien factor. Impressive. I loved this film, it had a good bit of tech which I love, the sci fi, and the comradery of a good movie. Well done with such a small but great cast.