Den of Thieves 2: Pantera

critic Reviews

, 62% Fresh Tomatometer Score
  • Pantera trades the original Den of Thieves' self-seriousness for a more winking lightheartedness that doesn't entirely smooth over its familiarity but ought to satisfy those hankering for absolute Dad Cinema.
  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Katie WalshTribune News Service
    While it is fun to reconnect with Big Nick and watch him try new foods, there’s just something missing in this rote “Ronin” ripoff — a danger.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Sandra HallSydney Morning Herald
    It’s not up there with the great heist movies. Butler lacks the charm to generate that kind of appeal, but it has quite a lot going for it. It’s certainly more likeable than its predecessor.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Joey ShapiroChicago Reader
    Den of Thieves 2: Pantera isn’t a shift from the first film so much as it is a refinement. This is a more elegant, mature manifestation of “dudes rock,” like a Solo cup of limoncello instead of a room-temp bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Bilge EbiriNew York Magazine/Vulture
    Watching Big Nick get a little lost in a boozy dream of abandon, an ocean away from his troubles, we understand him better than we understand most of today’s movie heroes.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Radheyan SimonpillaiCTV's Your Morning
    No other personalities in this movie can match that Gerard Butler energy.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    David FearRolling Stone
    Gudegast isn’t interested in mounting a copy of a copy. But a lot of the pleasure of watching the filmmaker and his cast do their exquisite cover version is gone, replaced only by some clumsy buddy-comedy elements and a lot of action-movie hot air.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    JD DuranInSession Film
    Den of Thieves 2: Pantera doesn't regurgitate the formula of its predecessor. Taking its story to Europe, the film changes style and tone as well. If the first Den of Thieves is a mashup of Heat and Ocean's Eleven, this is more akin to Ocean's Twelve.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Marcelo StiletanoLa Nación (Argentina)
    ...Den of Thieves begins to move away from the world of Michael Mann become a buddy movie and a B-grade police film with more European overtones.... [Full review in Spanish]
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Matt LynchIn Review Online
    Where the first film’s more action-heavy influences gave us a more ruthless, tactical violence... this sequel offers viewers something of a Melville-esque job of work.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    John SerbaDecider
    Den of Thieves 2 is an enjoyable lark populated with characters who are more tangible than the usual genre dudes and dames, thus making their implausible adventures feel a little more plausible.
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