Den of Thieves 2: Pantera
critic Reviews
, 62% Fresh Tomatometer Score- Pantera trades the original Den of Thieves' self-seriousness for a more winking lightheartedness that doesn't entirely smooth over its familiarity but ought to satisfy those hankering for absolute Dad Cinema.
- , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreKatie WalshTribune News Service
While it is fun to reconnect with Big Nick and watch him try new foods, there’s just something missing in this rote “Ronin” ripoff — a danger.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreSandra HallSydney Morning Herald
It’s not up there with the great heist movies. Butler lacks the charm to generate that kind of appeal, but it has quite a lot going for it. It’s certainly more likeable than its predecessor.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreJoey ShapiroChicago Reader
Den of Thieves 2: Pantera isn’t a shift from the first film so much as it is a refinement. This is a more elegant, mature manifestation of “dudes rock,” like a Solo cup of limoncello instead of a room-temp bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreBilge EbiriNew York Magazine/Vulture
Watching Big Nick get a little lost in a boozy dream of abandon, an ocean away from his troubles, we understand him better than we understand most of today’s movie heroes.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreRadheyan SimonpillaiCTV's Your Morning
No other personalities in this movie can match that Gerard Butler energy.
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreDavid FearRolling Stone
Gudegast isn’t interested in mounting a copy of a copy. But a lot of the pleasure of watching the filmmaker and his cast do their exquisite cover version is gone, replaced only by some clumsy buddy-comedy elements and a lot of action-movie hot air.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreJD DuranInSession Film
Den of Thieves 2: Pantera doesn't regurgitate the formula of its predecessor. Taking its story to Europe, the film changes style and tone as well. If the first Den of Thieves is a mashup of Heat and Ocean's Eleven, this is more akin to Ocean's Twelve.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreMarcelo StiletanoLa Nación (Argentina)
...Den of Thieves begins to move away from the world of Michael Mann become a buddy movie and a B-grade police film with more European overtones.... [Full review in Spanish]
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreMatt LynchIn Review Online
Where the first film’s more action-heavy influences gave us a more ruthless, tactical violence... this sequel offers viewers something of a Melville-esque job of work.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreJohn SerbaDecider
Den of Thieves 2 is an enjoyable lark populated with characters who are more tangible than the usual genre dudes and dames, thus making their implausible adventures feel a little more plausible.
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