
audience Reviews

, 63% Audience Score
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Viggo Mortensen decently practiced in his ambitious debut with full command craftsmanship, benefitting from performative elevation but overall doesn't strongly show nor connect in disjointed, unbalanced fashions with intangible resolves. (B-)
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    For his first production, Viggo Mortensen offers us a film about the difficult relationships between a conservative and authoritarian father and a son full of love despite a difficult youth. A good little film that sometimes lacks rhythm a little. Special mention to the great Lance Henriksen
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Viggo's directorial debut is a success. Superb casting and strong performances all around. The plot revolves around an aging patriarch's dementia taking its toll on two different generations. As a viewer it becomes hard to watch these adult children continue to accept the abusive (sexist, homophobic) behaviour he doles out rather than become estranged from the old man. His abrasive responses match the unforgivable personality traits consistently exhibited as his life unfolds on screen. The portrayals are convincing; dialogue is very strong and flashbacks help fill in the plot. Scenery shot in northern Ontario (posing as New York State) is beautiful. Great to see cameos by Canadians David Cronenberg and Paul Gross.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dont let the subject matter deter you, it is very well done...a new gem classic:-)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    FLAT As a cantankerous old codger spitting and vinegaring outrage whilst wrestling dementia, Lance Henriksen is an incendiary tour de force. Award ready material, this. Turns out the crusty old coot has been cantankerously codgering all his despicable life. The illness may have lifted a filter, but it seems the nasty was there all along. There are absolutely no redeeming qualities to hang on to here, just that he lived a life, and others were involved. Harumph. Sadly the victims of this patriarchal rage are all one dimensional, turning this into a black and white, him vs. them, wrong vs. right, lesson watch that is spelled out early on, and repeatedly hammered home for the duration. Viggo Mortensen's directorial debut does reach for the moon, introducing heady topics, some juicy characters, and much hope for a moving movie. As the much berated son of an old fashioned gun-toting 'merican, Viggo writes himself into a homosexual relationship with a tattooed Asian nurse. Wow. Let the fireworks begin! Sadly, they do not. Just a one way vile spew from the old man, with nothing but sad, all-knowing, head-shaking looks from the other side. The surrounding, extended family seem perfect, totally supportive of each other, and doing their goldarned best of the situation. They don't seem to have any problems or issues of their own. Everything and everyone in this movie exists solely as a reaction to the old man. And worst of all, they are boring. How can this be? It looks good. The performances are fine. The story has plenty of opportunity to get rolling. But apart from one spark of a fiery scene that quickly fizzles, it just sits there, stuck in neutral. There's character study, and then there's missed opportunity. Viggo is a smart dude, and he's sure to figure this director-writer thing out. Till next time. - hipCRANK
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Viggo Mortensen dimostra un'ottima abilità anche come regista; crea un film intimo e toccante. Il suo personaggio è molto originale oltre che interpretato alla perfezione; purtroppo tutto quello che gli gira intorno non è così riuscito. Specialmente la trama non offre grandi spunti, ricordando per buoni tratti quel meraviglioso "Nebraska" con cui spartisce diversi elementi. I dialoghi funzionano e sono credibili, non molto vari nella sostanza vista la continua volgarità della figura "paterna". Con una trama più originale, il talento di Mortensen potrebbe esplodere anche alla regia.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Viggo Mortensen wrote, directed and costars in this film with Lance Henriksen as a contentious father and son as their relationship is constantly tested by the angry ramblings of his ageing father. Henriksen is riveting to watch as he spews his old time beliefs and prejudices upon his son and his partner's lifestyle and choices. Lots of flashbacks to how their tumultuous relationship early on towards his whole family led up to their fractured relationship at present. Extremely well acted film.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    C'est l'ennui qui prédomine dans ce drame sans réelle situation dramatique, ou en tout cas, sans que les situations dramatiques ne soient assumées jusqu'au bout et exploitées en tant que telle. On a l'impression d'assister à une suite de scènes inintéressantes, se contentant sans nuance de montrer toujours les mêmes défauts d'un père qui semble tous les accumuler (machisme, homophobie, racisme etc). Même le travail sur la lumière est raté. Et on ne voit pas non plus l'utilité des deux narrations mise en parallèle.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This movie really frightened me because my father was just like his, he had to be cruel and knew just what to say to punch my buttons. Also his father is a very good actor, and his son too and the sons daughter, I rate this movie very highly!!!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Finally a great dramatic film. The role of the father was relentless.