Five Feet Apart

audience Reviews

, 79% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The film "a meter apart" Film genre: drama , romance. The film has only one part .The film -maker was Justin Baldoni. Filmed in New Orleans (USA). The plot of the film is such that two young people diagnosed with fibrosis could not approach each other closer than 1.5 meters, and at the same time they were in love with each other. The storyline is interesting and cruel at the same time, the illness of the characters decided the fate of their love, the love was so strong that they wanted to break the prohibitions, from which we observe a sad ending that causes strong emotions (tears). In general, the characters of this film played their roles amazingly. Actors convey their emotions fully and vividly, and evoke our emotions just as well. There are no special special effects in this movie. Here, all the attention is taken by the characters, the scenery of the hospital, roofs and others, as well as the stage of Will and Stella. I liked the movie, I have to admit that I think this movie is very moving I think the film is suitable for girls who would like to watch an exciting movie and cry from such a moving script of events.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Today I want to tell you about a movie called "A Dos Metros de ti". It is a very exciting movie that has romance and comedy and it is my favorite movie. The story takes place in a very beautiful city where Stella, a very brave girl, lives. Stella has a rare disease that means she has to stay two meters away from people. But one day, he meets a boy named Will who has the same condition. Together, they try to live life to the fullest while fighting their illnesses. The main characters are Stella and Will. Stella is very brave and fun, I love her energy! Will is very sweet and always tries to make Stella laugh. My favorite character is Stella because she is very strong and never gives up. The movie made me feel many emotions. I laughed a lot at Stella and Will's antics, but I also cried a little at some sad parts. But in the end, I felt very happy because I learned that no matter how difficult life is, you can always find happiness if you are with the people you love. I would definitely recommend this movie to my friends. It is a beautiful story about love, friendship and bravery. It makes you laugh, cry and feel inspired. You can not miss it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I don't care what anyone else says about the negative aspects of this movie. I don't care that everyone else seems to think this movie apparently sucks or is supposedly is trash or has too many cliches. I genuinely don't care. I'm not gonna let those dumb critics hold down this beautifully made movie. So forget the negative aspects of this movie for just even a moment, and look at it as a whole. Think about how the producers used their illness to provide a difficulty in their love, but they were finding ways around it. This movie is underrated just because people can't understand that sometimes, cliches are good, and sometimes, in order to move forward, you have to be willing to accept the hardships that come with loving a person. And this movie demonstrated those problems in a way that I've seen no other do. So forgive me for having an out spoken opinion in this movie to all those who wanna give this movie a bad rating, but y'all wouldn't know a good movie even if it slapped you in the face.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Don't even get me started. sobbed. don't watch without a crying buddy
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have to be completely honest, anyone who has a limited understanding or has not not been affected by cystic fybrosis will not understand this. I myself, knew a couple where the lovely guy had it and it was impossible for them to conceive without passing it on and the limitations are very real. You might think it's cheesy or trivialised it's not
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    The acting was ok. The characters were extremely annoying and unlikeable, and the ending was very sad. I didn't laugh a single time while watching the movie.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I watched this because I've come to adore Haley Lu Richardson after seeing her in White Lotus. Her performance in this is severely underrated. While the plot is not that original, the film was a beautiful commentary on what it means to live life to the fullest and the importance of love & connection through physical touch.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Dramma che, durante la visione, sembra lanciato verso ottimi risultati e che invece finisce clamorosamente per diventare una melassa di esagerazioni e di lacrime facili. Davvero un peccato, che comunque non toglie del tutto la qualità della prima ora di sceneggiatura e di regia. Davvero interessante il racconto della patologia e dei suoi impatti fisici e psicologici; dettagliati e chiari, senza facili soluzioni o tragedie teatrali. Purtroppo tutto ciò viene meno nelle sequenze finali; un susseguirsi di teen drama, forzature nella trama (la caduta nel lago ghiacciato è a dir poco "agghiacciante") e dialoghi esageratamente alla ricerca di un facile sentimento di tristezza, che in realtà non fanno che allontanare lo spettatore e fargli rendere conto che tutto ciò è solamente un dramma hollywoodiano.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I think this movie was amazing it was generally heartbreaking but yet funny. It'll make you cry and leave you smiling.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love that this movie shed light on the struggles of people living with cystic fibrosis and the importance of human connection and empathy.