Freud's Last Session

audience Reviews

, 72% Audience Score
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    weak and with strong performances, Anthony always stands out when it comes to acting but sinks into a boring film with tiring and dirty dialogues at times. Bad, the perfect definition for this film.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Interesting movie. Two gladiators of thought fight it out in words. Hopkins is very convincing as Freud.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoy biopics, but this was an annoying movie and an unpleasant one to watch. It depicts a fictional meeting between Freud and CS Lewis. They debate the existence of God. I was hoping for an interesting debate. But the filmmakers seem to have little understanding of the spiritual aspect of belief in God. Instead, they focus on the morality preached by religion. And CS Lewis is depicted as not debating the issue at all but instead making an ad hominem on Freud. Throughout, Freud is depicted as despicable and somewhat disgusting in his final stages of oral cancer.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    This psychiatric drama was great. Anthony Hopkins, Matthew Goode, and the rest of the cast did a great job in this movie. This true story about the meeting with Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis on the brink of WW2 was dramatic and depressing. It's about sharing their beliefs on the existence of God. If you haven't seen this movie yet, check it out sometime. It's worth watching.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Freud's Last Session is a smart and interesting film that perhaps could have been better. It's thoughtful and perceptive but I felt it could have delved deeper into its subject matter. This film is based on a play of the same name, about a fictional meeting between C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud on the eve of World War Two. Freud had recently moved to London to flee German occupied Austria. He was of course the founder of psychoanalysis. Lewis was an Oxford Don and a preeminent writer. Lewis was a devout Christian, whilst Freud a committed atheist. That is the basis of the film, a clash of ideas if you will. This was very interesting, but I wish the film had gone deeper into their debate. The film also feels at times interrupted by flashbacks that sometimes take you out of the story. The highlights are the performances by Anthony Hopkins and Matthew Goode. Both are truly superb, making the film worthwhile just for them. I just wish the film had gone a little deeper.
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    Freud's Last Session aims to depict a profound intellectual showdown but falls short of delivering impactful moments. Taking place on the brink of World War II, the movie imagines a fictional encounter between psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud (played by Anthony Hopkins) and author C.S. Lewis (portrayed by Matthew Goode). The concept itself is undeniably fascinating: a clash of ideas about God's existence between these two intellectual giants, set against a world on the edge. However, the actual presentation lacks any potency. The standout aspect of the film lies in the exceptional performances by its lead actors. Hopkins shines with his portrayal of Freud, capturing both his brilliance and his cantankerous nature with a glint in his eye. Goode holds his ground opposite the seasoned actor, portraying Lewis with a subtle conviction that makes him a worthy adversary. Their verbal sparring forms the core of the movie, showcasing moments of genuine intellectual intensity. One memorable scene involves Lewis challenging Freud's dismissal of religion as mere illusion—a moment that sparks both contemplation and emotion. But most of the focus is on Freud’s talking and Lewis’s quiet listening. I’ve read a lot about both of these historical figures, and it is hard to believe that Lewis wouldn’t have been a more intellectually challenging interlocutor. Despite the strong performances, the film falters in other areas. With most scenes confined to Freud's study, the singular setting becomes tedious, and attempts to intersperse it with flashbacks come across as contrived. The historical backdrop—the impending war—feels underutilised and fails to leave a lasting impact. The sense of urgency adds an interesting layer to the film, but it falls short of truly delving into how these events impact the characters’ beliefs. The dialogue, despite aiming for deep insights, mostly misses the mark. The film heavily relies on characters explaining their philosophies rather than letting them naturally unfold through conversation—mostly dominated by Freud’s talking and controlling the dialogue. This approach makes the intellectual debates seem rehearsed, lacking the authentic spontaneity of a real discussion. It's akin to watching a tennis match where players announce their shots before making them—that's the vibe you get here. Similarly, while the musical score is competent, it doesn't quite enhance the film as intended. It leans on typical orchestral swells to emphasise key moments without delving into deeper thematic layers that could have resonated with its philosophical themes. Likewise, the cinematography serves its purpose but lacks creative inspiration. The muted colour palette reflects the overall tone of the film but fails to deliver any visually striking moments. Freud's Last Session aims to be a thought-provoking exploration of faith and reason. The lead performances are solid, and the premise is certainly intriguing. However, it struggles due to its confined setting, clunky dialogue, and lacklustre technical aspects. Despite a few scattered instances of intellectual stimulation, the movie's flaws overshadow them. In the end, Freud's Last Session is like a boxing match between heavyweights that turns out to be more of a lightweight showdown. Some may wish for more if they enjoy historical dramas and philosophical debates. If you're in search of a truly impactful exploration of faith and reason, you might want to explore other options.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I thought these talented actors were wasted on this movie. I don't understand why "God" is always referred to as "he." I am neither an atheist or a believer in any religion, but it's quite clear to me that man created "God" in his own image. If there is a "God," it is larger than human understanding and certainly "man" is not "God." These whole theories are too simple. It was really boring and simplistic.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Wow, a beautiful film with a stellar cast! The heady discussion of the existence of God and childhood attachments was interspersed with tension: Why was it his LAST session? Would his daughter get the drugs he needed? Plus really great visuals of London during the wartime.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Compelling and challenging conversation between two flawed and fascinating people, especially when played by incredible actors, can make for a thought provoking movie which is exactly what FREUD'S LAST SESSION is.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It is hard for me to rate this. Great actors. Great issues to tackle. Supposedly two intellectual heavyweights battle it out about God but don't get beyond the level of children arguing. Then there was something revealed at the end that made the whole movie a fraud. You will feel like you wasted your time. I said what I said.