
audience Reviews

, 52% Audience Score
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A violent and bloody revenge thriller set in the dirty and seedy underbelly of urban Vietnam. The harsh lifestyle and neon lights suit the traditional story of dark female vengeance but the story lacked a personal touch and has an overly long ending which makes little sense. The frequent number of fight scenes are well put together but the CGI/special effects are pretty poor. The characters are a bit melodramatic and look more like the Powerpuff Girls than Charlie's Angels but it's stylish and entertaining, if a bit montage heavy.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    There were better choice for actor/actresses. The dialogue felt forced. Like it's pretending to be tough. Pretending to be a western action flick. I didn't finish the film.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Phim hành động thì chỉ có bà Vân làm mới hay, đoạn cuối có cú lật ghê đấy =))
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    Minha opinião: Um filme vietnamita, sempre com muita porradaria e sangue e muita corrida motos. A estoria é a mesma, uma luta de pessoas com vingança contra gangsters sem escrúpulos. Conta a estoria de uma menina que se torna órfã depois que tentaram estrupa-la e sua mãe para proteger acaba morrendo e a menina mata o estuprador. Assim ela vive nas, roubando daqui e dali. Até o momento que uma mulher que recruta meninas com estas características e as treina para se tornarem matadoras. Com o objetivo de eliminar uma gang, com ituito de vigança. Assim as envias as meninas a esta missão. Então eles tem vários embates, onde umas ganham e outras perdem tendo perda das meninas. Até que vem o ato final onde elas vencem porem a mulher tira a máscara pois o intuito era a vingança, mas também tomar o lugar na organização e isso não era o objetivos das meninas. Aí tem o embate final entre elas, quem será que sobreviveu? Roteiro e enredo fracos de uma receita repetida milhares de vezes nos filmes asiáticos. Por isso deveria ser melhor. Vale apena assistir? não Nota: 3
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The movie was very good, kept me engaged with a lot of fast pace action, story telling, and characters. Took me a minute to appreciate the ending, but after thinking about the whole movie, I've come to accept the fate of the characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Underage rape & lots of it -- Disturbing but necessary to the plot. Knowing nothing about Viet Nam, assuming this is a comment on some aspect of Saigon culture.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Action/fighting scenes were great and the women did a great job. I did feel like the plot took many unnecessary turns. I was really hoping the trio were going to stick together at the end(together alive). I didn't like that they had jacqueline at the end end up being a villain. It just ruined the message and the story. The main three girl actors are amazing, I would love to see them in other films. Hoan dying scene was done so well, it was also romantic. It was cool to watch.
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    Fury of action and a good little twist in the story. Nice to see female fighters.