In a Violent Nature
audience Reviews
, 44% Audience Score- Rating: 3 out of 5 starsSome serious plot holes makes this a frustrating watch. However, does approach the slasher flick from a different point of view.
- Rating: 0.5 out of 5 starsThe worst movie I have watched in the last decade. It's just a pov of a dead guy walking. No one, whatever they have done in life, deserves to waste their time watching this "film". I would rather watch "A Serbian film" 2 days straight back to back than watching this piece of trash ever again.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 starsWhat a horrible and boring movie. I actually liked the idea of a slasher movie through the eyes of the killer buy this movie is just plain boring. I will not waste my time on the second one. Skip it and watch something that's worth your time.
- Rating: 4 out of 5 starsWir sehen mal einen "Jason Voorhees" aus seiner Sicht und zwar Rigoros. Man braucht bei diesem Film jede Menge Geduld, denn die meiste Zeit sieht man den übernatürlichen Killer herum laufen. Zwischendurch gibt es drastische Kills. Und die berüchtigte "Yoga Szene" wird auch als Mortal Combat Kill bezeichnet. Obwohl der Film sehr geerdet wirkt, ist er durch die Kills Comic haft Wer sich schon immer gefragt hat, wie ein langsamer gehenden Killer, trotzdem seine rennenden Opfer erreicht, bekommt hier die Antwort. Auch wenn mit Langeweile zu kämpfen ist, ist es trotzdem interessant. Dieser Killer ist im töten ein Handwerker. Es gibt zwar ausladende Szenen. Dennoch ist weder Lust noch Freude erkennbar. Wer dachte man könne dem Genre nichts mehr hinzufügen, wird hier eines besseren belehrt. Die Kamera Arbeit ist top. Story kann man vernachlässigen. Evtl. hätten 60 Minuten gereicht. Dieser Film ist definitiv Nische und wird nur eine kleine Gruppe erreichen. Für neugierige Cineasten empfehlenswert.
- Rating: 3.5 out of 5 starsThis film was almost executed perfectly. The movie was shot well by the director and carried by the killer but the victims of the killer ultimately dragged the overall movie down. Much of the movie is beautifully filmed. It depics what Jason Vorhees or Michael Meyers is doing the 99% of the time they are not actively killing someone. The film is essentially shot through the perspective of the killer. With long shots of the killer walking on a ridgeline, or walking through the forest, or walking through the brush, or even walking through a field of flowers at sunset. So it is slower than most slashers but it was well done. The kills are a bit more original than most slasher films. Where the movie fell through for me was the supporting actors and victims. Since the camera follows the killer, most of the supporting actors "screen time" is just audio of them talking through the trees or distance. Which in itself isn't the issue. The issue is the, what seems like, unnatural long pauses between lines. It reminded me of a video game where you are creeping off in the distance and the characters are waiting for you to approach certain markers for the next character to continue the back and forth banter. Overall I would say it's worth watching at least once. Could be a good creepy horror film to also just have on in the background during Halloween season.
- Rating: 3 out of 5 starsA great indie film that utilizes a different environment following the killer throughout, including a classic amount of gore expected from a slasher film, however, the thin dialogue and slow burn approach might be a struggle to keep some invested in the plot.
- Rating: 0.5 out of 5 starsOne of the worst movies I have had the misfortune of watching in a very long time. Terrible cinematography, worse acting and absolutely no plot. I hate myself for having seen this.
- Rating: 0.5 out of 5 starsI can't even fathom how this got over a 10%. From the first 10 seconds of the movie where the actors sound like they're reading straight from the script, or when the cameras bounce all over, the cheap mannequin deaths, the ridiculous behavior of the chased people, the fact that the "boy" who died is somehow also adult sized despite dying as a child ... It's awful. Don't watch it.
- Rating: 3.5 out of 5 starsFor a low budget film and everything the crew and cast had to go through with filming says that they cared about this film. I like a lot of low budget movies and this was good to say the least. Acting is as typical as you would see for a horror movie like this but the story was good and it was an interesting POV from the killer’s perspective, just fast forward the walking bits. The best part about this movie is the kills. No other movie I have seen has had kills like this, it was amazing. Would gladly watch the boring parts to see the kills once more.
- Rating: 4 out of 5 starsModernized slasher with great visuals