In a Violent Nature

audience Reviews

, 44% Audience Score
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    How this movie is "certified fresh" is beyond me. The concept may sound interesting, but in practice this is probably the most boring horror movie ever. Every single time the killer kills someone, the victim just waits to be killed. They don't even try to get away. At least the final kill is creative, I give them that, but it still is nonsensical. And then the walking. About 80% of the movie is just wide angle shots of the killer slowly walking to the forest. Nothing else happens – no music, no chasing, no sense of danger. Just endless walking. I usually find some merit in even the most cheesy horror flicks but this one was just absolutely awful.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Great atmosphere & cinematography. Not a movie I'm dying to re-watch due to the excessive gore. Don't regret watching it either.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    100x more interesting than the quiet place movies or his house. Infinitely better than prey. Far more watchable than evil dead rise.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The concept of a horror movie that follows the killer is very cool, but it loses its luster after about thirty minutes. The killer just isn't that interesting, being a Jason Voorhees knock-off with no dialogue. That type of character has no real appeal as a main character (notice Jason has never been the main character in any movie?).
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Unnerving to annoying to longwinded cringe. Too scared to say the R-word but okay to have 50+ whacks to mincemeat face. Drama between friends and hidden lesbian lovers that offer zero weight to the story. The best part of this movie were the very audible sounds of the forest. More walking scenes than Rainman.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    I seen all the bad reviews on here and had to watch this movie to see if I agreed. I didn't, and am glad I watched it instead of listening to all the people reviewing it so poorly. I love horror like this. It reminds me of Madman, Prey, Hatchet. I bet half the bad reviews are from people that are in their teens or twenties, that can't enjoy a slow burn horror with some awesome gore thrown in.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    After months of waiting to watch this movie, I was very excited when I got the chance but was ultimately disappointed. The creators opted to make the killer the protagonist rather than follow a bunch of dumb teenagers as they get high and have sex which offers some relief and a nice change in the horror genre. However, that is where the positive review ends. There is almost no story (only a tiny bit of background on who our killer is but that’s it) and as a result, it’s very Terrifier (2016) esc and feels incredibly long. The kills are dull and boring except for one good kill and the characters are nobodies with no backstory and are incredibly forgettable. Their only role in the movie is to die so because of that, they seem to just accept their fate and not put up much of a fight to survive which results in easy kills for the protagonist. Overall, this movie had a lot of potential but failed to deliver and I can’t give it any higher than 2 stars
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Great scenery and amazing creative kills…but there is long travel time between each kill
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I see what the director was trying to do - use the setting and silence to build tension, etc. But the violence is unearned, there's no reason to care about the characters, and is a very clumsy example of "tell instead of show." The dialogue is awful and awkward, usually only serving to give the most obvious exposition. There are so many drawn out shots of the killer walking...and walking...and walking...but there's no tension, there's no fear. It's true to it's name at least, and the violence is pretty brutal which can be fun in these types of "horror" movies but this was just a massive waste of time.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    One of the worst, most boring movies I've ever watched. Was hopeful due to the premise - but FAILED in the delivery. Terrible acting, worse directing, ZERO PACING....I wish I could have that time back. Worse part I paid for the rental so I was compelled to finish it - otherwise I would've simply turned the channel 20 minutes into it.