It's a Wonderful Knife
audience Reviews
, 72% Audience Score- Rating: 1.5 out of 5 starsOne of the most boring movies i have ever watched. The movie moves at a snails pace, and the humor was non existent from this, "horror comedy". Do yourself a favor and just find something else.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 starsThe premise has potential, but it quickly unravels like a cheap string of Christmas lights, losing its spark before it even gets started.
- Rating: 2 out of 5 starsIt's a wonderful knife, doesn’t really know what it wants to be. Does it want to be a romantic story?, does it want to be an R-rated teen comedy?, or does it want to be a bit of science fiction? It is a really messy film. The killer outfit looks cool, don’t me wrong, but the rest just looks cheap in comparison. The cinematography is nothing and the editing is okay. And the gimmick they use it being I wish I was never born trope, really does nothing new that you haven’t seen before. I don’t know, but man was I disappointed. I wish that this movie was never made.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 starsOmg it is literally impossible to get into this movie—it is over-the-top and completely unbelievable in every possible way. Havent seen a plot this terrible in such a long time and the dialogue is soo bad. Terrible premise, terrible writing, and horrible execution. Whatever you do skip
- Rating: 4.5 out of 5 starsA delightful horror twist on the classic It’s A Wonderful Life concept. Excellent representation in characters that manage to be unique without feeling forced. Fans of holiday horror will enjoy this film.
- Rating: 1.5 out of 5 starsDER DÜMMSTE KILLER DES JAHRES Ein als Weihnachtsengel verkleideter Killer hat die beste Freundin von Winnie getötet samt deren Opa. Kurz bevor der Killer auch ihren Bruder töten konnte, schaffte sie es diesen aufzuhalten. Ein Jahr später, zur Bescherung, bekommt Winnie nur einen pinken bauchfreien Trainingsanzug und ihr Bruder ein Auto, weil ihre Eltern denken das dies beide am nötigsten hätten. Daraufhin denkt Winnie es wäre besser wenn sie nie geboren wäre. Polarlichter machen dies möglich und Winnie wacht in einer anderen Welt auf. Dieser Film geht ca. 87 Minuten und ist ab 16 Jahren freigegeben. Wir bekommen hier eine Horror-Komödie die das Thema von "ist das Leben nicht schön" aufgreift, nen Killer reinpackt und fertig ist die Schlaftablette. Selten hab ich so einen bekloppten Killer gesehen, sogar der aus Scary Movie war intelligenter. Ein Beispiel, der Killer sticht seinem weibliches Opfer auf einer Brücke in den Unterarm, beide fallen hin. Statt dann aber auf sie einzustechen, teleportiert er sich weg (was er häufiger im Film macht) und will sie lieber von unten durch die Brücke erstechen, weisste Bescheid. Zumal sich weiß anzuziehen als Slasher dämlich ist, auch wenn er nie Blut abbekommt. Die Hauptfigur Winnie ist als einziges etwas sympathisch, bei den ganzen Figuren jedoch nicht schwer. In der Alternative sind die Leute nämlich traurig, bekifft oder doppelt traurig was mich traurig machte beim zuschauen. Das Finale ist dann die Erkenntnis wie toll doch alles war, wie das man seinem betrügerischen Freund alles gute wünscht, im verhassten pinkfarbenen Trainingsanzug die Außenseiterin küsst und seinen Eltern dankt das es sie gibt (obwohl sie lieber den Sohn bevorzugen). Am Ende bekommen wir keinen Horror, da der Killer ne Witzfigur ist und die Kills einfallslos. Eine Komödie steckt aber auch nicht drin, denn lustig ist hier nichts. Einzig die spontane Entscheidung von Winnie zur Lesbe zu werden hatte was. Von mir bekommt der Film 3,5/10 Punkte. Wer kennt solche Bösewichte nicht? Alles haben und zerstören wollen, geboren ist der König vom Aschehaufen.
- Rating: 4 out of 5 starsEven if this is not scary at all, brings a story that i enjoyed.
- Rating: 2 out of 5 starsNothing special here at all. Pretty uninspired slasher movie.
- Rating: 3 out of 5 starsSilly, but fun for off holiday slasher.
- Rating: 2 out of 5 starsThis is, in no uncertain terms, the most idiotic thing I've seen in years. I'm not kidding when I say, and believe me this is true, this film is literally founded on the idea that an older rich man building a mall is a tragedy we can never recover from. But yeah basically the entire premise is that a rich guy wants to build a mall so he kills some people to get the money to build it, the girl stops him, and then she regrets it because her bestie died too...but then time travel creates a Bad Universe where she wasn't able to stop him, because building the mall gave him mind control powers (yes seriously) therefore all of civilization has slowly crumbled. So, if this rich guy built this mall, it was going to lead to the Doom of all mankind, so only this girl and her girlfriend could stop it purely because she has a girlfriend, which somehow acts as a catalyst for time travel...yes seriously. The larger implication being that basically the rich guy who's the killer at the beginning and in the Bad Universe, is rich purely because he's evil and evil purely because he's rich, and that in the Good Universe her father becomes a rich guy too but he's good purely because he's her father and in the Bad Universe he's evil purely because he's NOT her father. And if that sounds confusing, it is...but not in the "good" way, not in the twist ending kind of way. No, no, it's confusing in that they're so busy trying to say how "evil" rich people and boomers are that they don't stop for 5 seconds to even wonder why the alleged villain is supposed to be evil. He's given no backstory other than "He's Rich and He's Not Part of Gen Z". That is literally the only explanation we are given for the killings at the beginning of the film and his (I swear to God) psychic abilities in the end. I would say "spoiler warning" but they telegraphed the plot so hard I think the director was screaming in my ear. In all seriousness there were beats in this movie that was so telegraphed it woild be an absolutely shocking twist when they weren't followed through as expected. There's literally nothing that will surprise you, no twists, no turns, if you cannot see what is happening in this film from the opening credits to the end it is because you never seen a film in your life. If you want to see a time travel slasher movie my advice would be go see Totally Killer. Not only is it better written is also better acted and they actually give some depth to the characters and a reason for the villain to be the villain other than just being "evil rich man". Also, ironically, that film actually takes some pot shots at Gen Z. Also, spoilers for Totally Killer, but but the killer in that...he doesn't develop telepathic powers. Like, at all. I guess you lacked a mall. Avoid. Avoid like the plague.