Jurassic World Dominion

audience Reviews

, 77% Audience Score
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    For insight, I’m one of the those people that would never sleep during a movie. No matter what, I will go through it. But, this movie slogged for so long with zero action or anything happening at all, that I slept about 20 minutes before the end.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    This could have been fun trash like Jurassic World 2, but it was just a boring slog. How do you make a boring movie out of the prompt "dinosaurs on the mainland?"
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In my opinion it's an "ok" movie. But my main issue is that it focuses mostly on its main story and those boring locusts. I thought we where going to see dinosaurs! Not overgrown locust. But other than that I think this movie is pretty ok. It has some cool action scenes. Other than that I give this movie 3/5 Stars!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    great movie trilogy with great story and graphics
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Probably the most disappointing movie I've seen in 10 years. The Jurassic park was fantastic, it had a bunch of velociraptors and a t-Rex to scare us with. The rest of the Jurassic movies followed suit and are all worth watching. Dominion has a swarm of locusts to scare us with. This movie is not worth watching.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Jurassic World Dominion is an example of a movie that's good but is very flawed. The locust subplot was really dumb and all I wanted to see was dinosaurs everywhere, which we didn't. The returning characters were all good though at least
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I don't like it at all, bad script overall a mutual understanding between dinosaurs and humans not good bad idea, the main aim of the movie just shifted like it feels like they want to show that we should preserve them or like we should care about them but no that's no good script, we want forests, trex, dino's hunting humans down you know script like jurassic park the lost world that was really good script we want suspense we want terror t-rex chasing in forests on island and raptors chasing down something like that overall we don't want dino's to be on the human land or cities we want them to be on island and the next movie script should be like humans going for research or something else again on the island and something happens again and they have to struggle to survive in the wilderness
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    Der Vogel wurde hier abgeschossen. Die Dinos sind keine Bedrohung mehr, da Chris Pratt nur die Hand zu heben braucht um Dinos zu beruhigen. In der kompletten zweiten Hälfte stirbt nur ein weiterer Mensch. Der Hauptfeind sind genveränderte Heuschrecken, was den trashheits Faktor komplett in neue Höhen treibt. Der Giga ist keine wirkliche Bedrohung. Wer zudem erwartet dass der Film das zusammenleben der Menschen mit dem Dinos zeigt, wird zwar nicht enttäuscht sollte aber den Film nach den ersten zwei Minuten wieder ausmachen, da dieses Zusammenleben danach kaum noch eine Rolle spielt. Mindestens 60% des Filmes spielen in ein Ressourvoir.
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    A satisfying conclusion to the trilogies of Park and World, but the general plot is about locusts, spy espionage and dinosaurs being captured, sold and "rescued" to another sanctuary, when Fallen Kingdom (which I generally enjoyed) set up so nicely the conclusion that dinosaurs and man must learn to live together. It's an annoying film, with so many not so interesting characters, only the lead characters Owen, Claire, Maisie, Ellie, Alan, Ian, Kayla and Ramsey were interesting to keep moving the show forward. There were no more hybrid dinosaurs and we get this trio battle between Rexy, Therizinosaurus and Giganotosaurus which made no sense. But at least the extended version was way better, and I generally feel mixed about this film.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    looks to me this is just a movie that's a money grabber.