Smart, timely, and brought to life by a terrific cast, Late Night is a workplace comedy with a lot of heart -- and just as many laughs.
All the while, Molly doesn't grow much at all. Her dream job simply falls in her lap, forgoing the possibly compelling journey that it would take to get it in the real world.
Read full articleLike the romcoms it's modeled after, Late Night offers an escape into a world with softer edges, brighter colors, and simpler solutions
Read full articleI liked it, but I wanted to love it... It's almost like it pulls its punches here and there -- I wanted more bite from it.
Read full articleMindy Kaling wrote the screenplay with Emma Thompson in mind and you can see the character was crafted for exactly her talents.
Read full articleKaling and Thompson are going after something different, and while it's acerbically funny at times it also feels quite real and of the moment.
Read full articleI'm willing to accept this as an accurate picture of how comedians can be -- which is not to say that the accuracy makes Late Night any funnier.
Read full articleMuch of the plot points are easy to predict, and it doesn’t go quite as far as I think it could’ve concerning its themes. But the commentary it does offer is as refreshing as it is intelligently thought out.
Read full articleKaling and Thompson excel in Late Night, an excellently written, brilliantly acted film that will entertain you, empower you, and make you wiser.
Read full articleHere is a comedy from Mindy Kaling that has some bite, but a surprising lack of sharp teeth that plays it all too timidly.
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