Living with Chucky

critic Reviews

, 74% Fresh Tomatometer Score
  • While it may lack the twisted pizzazz of the franchise it chronicles, Living with Chucky is a mostly engaging primer on everyone's favorite homicidal plaything.
  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Phil HoadGuardian
    Chucky aficionados might appreciate the reverence, but the analysis rarely rises above promotional level.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Erik PiepenburgNew York Times
    Feels like hagiographic DVD featurettes meanderingly stitched together.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Meagan NavarroBloody Disgusting
    It’s not just a thoughtful documentary that reflects upon the franchise’s legacy&#59; it celebrates the families that the killer doll has forged and bonded together.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Ygraine Hackett-CantabranaMoving Pictures Film Club
    a fascinating opportunity for horror fans to go behind-the-scenes of one of the genre’s most enduring movie monsters.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Paul KleinFILMHOUNDS Magazine
    The big issue with the film is that it's far too brief.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    David GriffithsSubculture Entertainment
    Fascinating documentary that goes behind the scenes of one of horror's most famous franchises. What makes this so unique is that it wasn't put together by a fan but instead by someone on the 'inside'.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Erik ChildressMovie Madness Podcast
    While it is nice to see everyone had such a good time making these movies, this is little more than an extended DVD featurette with no real context from fans and horror experts on why these films have endured or unique from other franchises.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    William SchwartzBook & Film Globe
    By and large, Living with Chucky is less a documentary as it is a scrapbook.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    As the new documentary Living with Chucky demonstrates, the Child’s Play movies have also been a labour of love for a tight-knit cast and crew who have attempted to move with the times.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Amie SimonI Love Splatter
    A beautiful love letter, not just to the series, but also to all the people who work to bring it to life. It's filled with great stories about creating these horror classics and building a creepy doll loving horror family along the way.
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