
audience Reviews

, 64% Audience Score
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful crimes for a Bad movie. Bad script, to predictive. The ending has not sense.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Very silence of the lamb vibe.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    OMG the oscar for the best worst actor ever Martin Lawrence. Dude you could have at least tried, rather than just being a halfway stoned Alex Cross throughout the entire film. And his character, they basically just said lets make him a sloppy version of Alex Cross and throw out constant innuendo of him being a pill popping addict but with no real basis. John Malkovich couldn't even save this movie. And the scenes of him having seizures I would have thought it was something like palsy rather than a seizure. I was just waiting for there tonbe a pizza and him shaking parmesan. And there was a fly or something on the camera lens in the opening scenes for a few moments did anyone notice that dark spot that looked absolutely out of place? They didn't bother to retake those cuts? It would have been a whole 10 minutes to redo that shot. This movie is a literal murdered chop job of silence of the lambs but John Malkovich can teleport his conciousness into other people simply by sketching their faces and using that as his gateway into their vessels. Insane. The Melissa Roxburgh shoots a drug fueled hobo who attacked her and he leaps off a third story building. What!?¿?¿ The hobo is also totally randomly introduced with no basis. The ideas behind the serial killer who copycats himself by teleporting his mind into other at the end is so laugh out loud outrageous. Was this movie a comedy or a tragedy? They could have picked a bum off the street to get a better performance over Martin Lawrence in this. John Malkovich should be ashamed of himself. Movies the likes of Hobo With A Shotgun and Toxic Avenger series gave better performances and better entertainment. I am depressed knowing I lost 1 1/2 hours a f my life to this.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    recommend! it's a mystery thriller with a little twist at the end. I like Mr night shyamalan movie and this has some kind of twist and feeling like it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I liked it! I simply enjoyed the mystery throughout the movie. The art in this movie was great. I have to say that the art direction was very nice. I was amazed by the twists towards the end. John Malkovich and Melissa Roxburgh did a great job.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Bad casting...poor acting, not even Jhon Malkovich could save it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My take: Mindcage is a well made, interesting, good film. Unsettling when it should to be, mostly strong performances, and an overall good mystery. However, the plot twist is extremely overhyped. Many are describing this movie as having a "great" plot twist. Maybe it's just me, but when I hear that, I assume it's also going to be a satisfying twist. Having watched this film earlier today, I can say that I am slightly disappointed. The most satisfying plot twists are ones that the film builds up to for most of the movie, and this one is only presented in the last 15 minutes. The twist is pretty cool, don't get me wrong, but I cannot say that I am completely satisfied.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Filme péssimo. Não consegui assistir até o final devido a previsibilidade da trama. John Malkovich, até legal, aceitável. Mas fiquei triste em ver Martin Lawrence sendo mal aproveitado e mal dirigido num roteiro totalmente sem profundidade.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Came across this film on Tubi and watched it on the strength of the cast, John Malkovich, Martin Lawrence, Melissa Roxburgh and Robert Knepper. Found it surprisingly good. Don't expect a horror film with lots of gore or CG but a gripping story with supernatural elements. There are some subtle scares, particularly Malkovich's character's "seizures" and the sense of something evil hidden behind the everyday. Warning: there's a crazy twist but if you watch the movie again knowing the ending it makes a lot more sense. Of the acting, Robert Knepper doesn't have much to play with but it is always good to see him in a film. Martin Lawrence is serviceable as a grizzled cop in his first dramatic role. Melissa Roxburgh is excellent playing Lawrence's new partner. And John Malkovich steals the show. The scenes between Malkovich and Roxburgh are well played. An extremely eerie musical score adds to overall atmosphere. Well directed and well written. Well done.
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    Boring storyline so predictable and weak, average acting wasted my time watching this. Wrong cast apart from John Malkovich.