My Imaginary Country

audience Reviews

, 80% Audience Score
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    An uplifting documentary on the Chilean revolution that began with mostly student protests from the eyes of Patricio Guzmán, who was 80 during the making of the film. The theme is hopeful, but the path to get to just the possibility of change is well chronicled by Guzmán. It is nearly impossible to give enough backstory to explain why we are where we are in Chili. The viewer that doesn't know the plight, may have trouble getting behind the populist movement because it isn't well explained. Then, the film shifts gears out of nowhere in the third act. Totally worth watching, but at times disjointed. Final Score: 7.1/10
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Um documentário muito subestimado que é tão curto mas que você acaba gostando da grande experiência dele.