
audience Reviews

, 91% Audience Score
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The majority of the audience is truly in love with this film while a small percentage of the audience like myself thinks it's a snoozefest and a complete miscast from every corner. Mat Damon did absolutely nothing to his character while I lost it when Freddie Mercury showed up out of the blue! In honesty, a film like this gets made solely for Hollywood to pad themselves in the back and hand out awards to each other. An absolute self serving platitude in the making indeed.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Assisti ao filme no cinema e reassisti recentemente, mas vale a Review aqui. Nolan proporciona uma experiência audiovisual única, não é atoa que o filme foi indicado a diversas categorias no Oscar, ele com certeza entra na lista de filmes que você precisa assistir antes de morrer.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    It was really a good movie. I couldn't expect less than this when it comes to the god Christopher Nolan directing a movie. Cillian Murphy nailed his role.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Never have I seen a movie that has made me think as hard as this. In my opinion, this just might be the greatest film I've ever seen! Dare I say, my top favourite movie of all time. Definitely well deserved of that best picture.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I hate long movies but I didn't mind with this one. The story that it tells is fascinating, and I think they did a good job representing the people that were involved when this happened. However, I think that if you are gonna watch I advise you do a quick Google search on a few things and also Oppenheimer's biography. While watching I found some things kind of confusing and got kinda lost at some point because I have like 0 history knowledge. I don't know what the whole Barbie vs Oppenheimer deal was last year lol, I found both movies amazing and both are worth watching.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Best movie of the year and an amazing achievement in cinema.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Pretty good biopic but has an awkward sex scene in it, especially when I have watched it in school.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is an amazing story. This is a horrible movie. The music is so freaking disgusting my head almost exploded. The editing and time shifting made me long for Nolan’s hideously overwrought inception. Why? For what purpose other than because he could. Did I mention the music? Intrusive. Adolescent. Uninteresting. Pathetic. Loud. Wrong
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    It was fine. I guess that is about the best way I can explain it. But if you really want to get down to brass tax ... It was three hours long and felt every minute of six hours long. I'm beginning to wonder if Nolan is actually a good director or if Heath Ledger can make even him look like a master. He always has his moments (except for Tenet, which he made completely unwatchable with the sound), but I don't think enough of them to really make me a fan. His work is good, but I think it could be much better.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Les deux premières heures sont un chef d'œuvre, à tous les niveaux. Rythme, réalisation, jeu d'acteur... La prestation de Cillian Murphy est incroyable. Cette première partie pourrait être un de mes films préféré s'il n'y avait pas eu la dernière heure ennuyante, qui aurait dû être traitée en 15 minutes selon moi. D'autant plus que ce n'est que la clôture d'un "procès" qui avance en parallèle de l'histoire principale depuis le début du film. Beaucoup trop long. Autre point négatif : l'explosion de la bombe, qui n'est pas à la hauteur. Si je devais résumer : un film à ne rater sous aucun prétexte malgré une fin longue et décevante.