Whether “Nightmare” will remain a surprisingly artful aberration within a generally despised subgenre, or prove a harbinger of that category’s ongoing redemption, is as yet anyone’s guess.
Read full articleForget everything you’ve ever seen or heard about the boy who never grew up.
Read full article... There’s also more substance to the story than one might imagine from a low-budget horror film about an off-brand Peter Pan murdering children in his stinky hovel.
Read full articleWhile the brutality in Neverland Nightmare is often entertaining, there are immense tonal and pacing issues that may keep it from becoming an eventual cult slasher classic.
Read full articleJeffrey/Chambers takes the helming credit this time around, and it's difficult to understand what’s being directed in the endeavor, which is entirely aimless and repetitive, unable to summon even cheap scares with its lack of genre imagination.
Read full articleAt this point, I just hope these guys are at least having fun making these movies. Someone has to be.
Read full articlePeter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare is a shockingly twisted but surprisingly creative entry into the emerging genre of Public Domain Slashers.
Read full articlePeter Pan's Neverland Nightmare serves up more dreck from the Twisted Childhood Universe. This wretched horror movie (about Peter Pan as a serial killer who targets boys) is boring and full of idiocy. Tinkerbell and Hook are mindless caricatures.
Read full article “Neverland Nightmare” manages to be both different within the three films provided and highly predictable when looking at the mountain of creepy man abduction horror.
Read full articleNauseatingly frightening due to its basis in reality, Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare is a competently made flick with plenty of unsettling elements, though the obvious lack of fun continues to hold this franchise back.
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