Roald Dahl's Matilda the Musical

audience Reviews

, 72% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    We ARE revolting children living in revolting times and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I like the songs and the cartoonishness of the performances for the most part.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    Good performances, but dull and heartless The original Matilda movie from the 90s is one of the best children movies of all time, it is a classic, just as the book is. Since we have countless and pointless remakes, it was obvious they would remake this classic. Now, Matilda the Musical isn't as bad as many other remakes, but it isn't good either. It is riddled with problems. First of all, I am not a fan of musicals, they are just weird outside of animations. And this movie feels more along the lines of the old classic sing-song films from the 60s. Some may love that, others not so much. The lyrics of the songs however, are really good and there are some seriously catchy ones here. Every actor gives a solid performance, they emote and express themselves in very expressive ways, which works for the movie most of the time. Emma Thompson, who is one of the best living actresses is... fine here. She does not hold a candle to the sheer brillance that Pam Ferris brough to the classic original Trunchbull - who gives one of the best villain performances put to screen. Emma isn't bad, but I feel she's too gentle of an actress to pull such a character off, she doesn't give that imposing prescense nor a commanding tone. But the acting in this remake is pretty good, everyone gives a solid performance. But the biggest issue is that Matilda the Musical lacks heart. There is little warmth in this feature, and it is felt. The original movie radiated warmth, family, friends ect, but this film has none of that. It feels souless, even with the big musical numbers they have shoved in countless scenes. The movie feels rushed, yet drags on and on. Overall Matilda the Musical is a .. meh movie, with solid acting, but is also dry and boring. I'm sure young kids will like it, but this won't be remembered after several weeks, it won't be a classic. 1/10.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Oh, where to start... I recently watched this awesome movie. Because I haven't watched the original movie or read the novel this movie is based on, this was my first taste of the Matilda franchise. Post viewing, I absolutely recommend this movie to practically anyone. To start out, the score is deserving of every single one of the numerous awards it's composer earned, because they were all both catchy and amazing! My favorite song by far has to be the final song in the movie, Holding My Hand. It represents Miss Honey and Matilda's newfound bond perfectly and leaves the listener feeling warm and fuzzy inside! Speaking of Miss Honey, I'd say she was my favorite character in the film because she was very kind. She was the one who got Matilda into school to begin with, and even after Miss Trunchbull refuses to give Matilda special treatment despite how smart she was, she still tries her best to help Matilda through her various struggles at school. This made the reveal partway through the film that the story of The Acrobat and The Escapologist was actually just Miss Honey's own backstory even more heart wrenching and poignant when it comes. Speaking of which, I was caught completely off guard by that particular twist - the story snuck it it beautifully - it was a lovely surprise. I knew something was off when I saw the scarf that was in Matilda's visions of the story during My Home, and it took seeing the visions again for me to put two and two together and realize the truth about the story. It made my hatred foe Miss Trunchbull grow as well. I absolutely HATE Miss Trunchbull, especially after learning about what she did to her step niece. I loved when the kids started standing up to her. I laughed so hard when Matilda gave her pigtails, considering she hates pigtails. And I was relived when she ran off after Miss Honey took back her house and took over the school. And although he didn't make Matilda's life much easier, I couldn't help but smile when Mr Wormwood called Matilda his daughter (he had called her a boy most of the movie) and let her live with Miss Honey. In short, you have GOT to watch this movie, especially if you like musicals.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    This was a really good movie in my opinion. It was both chaotic and really exciting, as well as quite heart-warming. I particularly loved the story Matilda told to Ms. Phelps throughout the film and how said story ended up being a part of the actual plot and not just filler details. All the songs are really catchy too! My favorite was Revolting Children, though honestly, it was almost impossible to pick. My mom has had to put up with me singing the whole soundtracks for WEEKS. This movie is full of great characters, including Bruce, and one of my personal favorites, Lavender. She and her newt Sir Isaac were a hilarious duo, I might even say they were the best characters in the movie! Though I've got to say, Ms. Trunchbull and Zinnia (Matilda's mom) were complete jerks. On one hand, Zinnia calls Matilda "it". She's also a priss and rude in general. On the other hand, Ms. Trunchbull is the headmaster of the school Matilda goes to. She calls the kids "Maggots" and "Revolting". If you still don't believe me, at one point she swung a girl around, by the pigtails, and threw her over the wire fence into a bush just because of said pigtails! I will say, this is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good laugh and who likes songs every five minutes.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good adaption of the original, and the book. The true master class was Emma Thompson ( and her makeup artists too, how they manage to make her look un attractive and mean is beyond me).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After seeing this and the live play I can confirm the live musical is better, but this movie is still incredible. Everything is high quality and the songs are incredibly catchy. It isn't perfect but the acting is surprisingly good especially compared to some other recent productions with child acting. Definitely recommend this to anyone who's read the original book.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    The 1990s version is so much better, watch it instead.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    This imaginative, musical adaption is interesting, entertaining, and enjoyable for kids of all ages. The lead characters do an excellent job bringing emotion and passion to their parts. The set designs, dress, and cinematography bring life to every scene. My 9 year old and 12 year old daughters enjoyed it more than me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A thoroughly enjoyable film for adults, but might be a touch much for young children. The premise goes a touch off the rails in the third act, but I went went with it. Emma Thompson is incredible and the songs are enjoyable and I didn't know anything about the Matilda story going in so this all worked for me. Alisha Weir and Lashana Lynch have a fantastic chemistry in what is ultimately a very strange film! Final Score: 8.4/10