Unfortunately, while this thriller has traces of that kind of amazing story I was hoping for, they’re not enough to overcome a lack of tonal identity or fleshed-out ideas that heavily compromises the entire experience.
Read full articleThe horror elements help elevate this from a story that at times lacks to punch execute its ambitious setup but, anchored by a great performance from Namir Smallwood Rounding is a nice creepy drama.
Read full articleIn spite of some unevenness and the needless horror-genre pandering, Rounding finishes on a strong note. Smallwood and Potts’ capable performances enhance the story and bolster the better parts of this dark drama.
Read full articleWe don’t often stop to consider what an absolute horror show it must be for a doctor to go around helplessly giving bad news but Alex Thompson’s film does a pretty good job of conveying that.
Read full articleTo balance [the movie's] visceral intensity with such a strong emotional core is a tightrope act that Thompson pulls off to impressive effect.
Read full articleThe whole thing is just a logic-less grabbag of garbled horror signifiers with no organizing principle or guiding thematic interests, the kind of film an A.I. might produce if fed a sampling of the genre’s past couple decades of content.
Read full articleDespite a solid performance from the film’s lead and an interesting character arc, Rounding gets a bit lost in all it’s trying to accomplish.
Read full articleIt has its interesting beats and imagery, but in the end it can't quite pull off its difficult agenda.
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