Skywalkers: A Love Story
critic Reviews
, 74% Fresh Tomatometer Score- Blending romance with vertiginous thrill-seeking, Skywalkers: A Love Story is a documentary of truly dizzying proportions.
- , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreEmma KeatesAV Club
Angela and Ivan’s love story often feels almost too storybook to be plausible, but it’s next to impossible not to root for them as they support each other—often physically—through their many costumed security evasions and insane stunts.
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreNell
Zimbalist (a sometime rooftopper) and his co-director Maria Bukhonina make it clear that the stunts are real but never get beyond a Photoshop version of the characters.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreBilge EbiriNew York Magazine/Vulture
For all its problems, Skywalkers is often very watchable.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreJohn NugentEmpire Magazine
An unorthodox romance that will leave you sweaty-palmed and tearful, in equal measure. It doesn’t quite reach the heights it could, but there’s a hell of a view at the top.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreAdam GrahamDetroit News
This is a highly watchable and easily digestible document of two risk takers putting it all on the line, again and again. It's a breathless and often breathtaking look at life, likes and love.
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreTim RobeyDaily Telegraph (UK)
On their own, these two might simply come across as narcissists with a death wish, so the film ruthlessly weds itself to the USP of them being in love -- like a slick Cupid locking down a Netflix deal.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreValerie
Not for viewers with vertigo, Skywalkers: A Love Story is best appreciated as a travelogue rather than as a high-flying romance. ... The imagery, much of it thanks to the couple’s drone shots and precision, is indeed stunning.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreBill NewcottThe Saturday Evening Post
In a world where reality TV offers up manufactured frequent as commercial breaks, it’s hard to know how much of the human real. Zimbalist, though, is a serious documentarian, so I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreCarla HayCulture Mix
With stunning cinematography, Skywalkers: A Love Story (about rooftopping couple Ivan Beerkus and Angela Nikolau) is an absorbing documentary that shows the parallels between the highs and lows in the couple's skyscraper stunts and in their relationship.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreChris WasserSunday Independent (Ireland)
In a word? Bonkers.
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