
audience Reviews

, 52% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A story of someone who is a human with mistakes and successes.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    The screenplay seems like it was written to be a more traditional biopic, but Larraín made it so utterly strange I found myself mostly liking it. Even the silly material (the ripping of the pearls, the casual arrival of Ann Boleyn's ghost etc.) generally works or at least never comes off too embarrassing. Also, this is easily Stewart's best performance so far.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved it!❤️and I'm a big fan of Kristen Stewart❤️
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    I feel hypocritical panning this movie because I'm so tired of the normal, predictable biographical drama and am always anxious for someone to come around and do something different. Well, this is definitely different! And, unfortunately, a crushing disappointment, considering how director Larrain's previous effort, JACKIE, was one of my favorite movies of the last few years. This one feels dead on arrival - an exercise in mediocrity. The very beginning of the movie starts with a preface stating what we are about to see if a fable, but it feel more like a nightmare. Stewart's performance is quite impressive and transformative, and I don't begrudge her the Oscar nomination at all. But one can't help but wish her efforts weren't used in vain. The Diana in this movie comes across with more issues and ailments and disorders than a month full of Lifetime movies. Larrain's tendency to go back and forth between reality and fantasy becomes jarring, and only a couple scenes with Diana and her boys feel palatable. This is one of those movies that I feel like I have to watch again to see if I'm missing something - but we'll put that off to another day - or decade. This feels like an inevitable choice for most disappointing movie of 2021 - possibly only surpassed by BEING THE RICARDOS. It would be a tough choice.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    An artistic impression of a mental health crisis. Bizarre interjections by Anne Boleyn. Fiction should not be diluted with fact when portraying the deceased. Tasteless.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very psychological and a haunting, yet beautiful film. Shot gorgeously and this is probably my favorite Kristen Stewart role.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I was gutted watching this, had hopes that it would be good and interesting and found it to be a let down
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    A contemplative film that's easy on the eye, but doesn't leave a lasting impression or add any new elements to this sad tale whose conclusion we all know.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Spencer una película completa, muchos dicen que la actuación de Kristen Stewart es vaga y no puedo representar a la princesa de Gales pero no estoy de acuerdo pues Kristen Stewart dió todo en este papel porque las escenas más fuertes son ejecutadas con una emoción que te hace decir "Porqué?", esa pregunta se debe a que empatizamos con Diana al punto de sentir su sufrimiento. Asique no, la actuación de Kristen Stewart no es mala pero el guión puede llegar a tener vacíos porque no toda obra de arte es perfecta pero aún así lo que hace que el guión se levanté es la actuación de Kristen Stewart y de otros personajes y simplemente hermoso percibir está cercanía con los personajes y el guión. Otros se quejan de que no hubieron suficientes escenas de Diana y Carlos, pero ¿de verdad necesitamos escenas así? Y no es así porque la película es SOBRE Diana y sus sentimientos, la película no necesita mostrar más escenas de escenas de Carlos porque la película se trata de como Diana se libera de sus cadenas que son las reglas que la corona le impone. Estaría mal decir que la película es mala pero no es la mejor de todas, aún así Spencer se merece en 4.5.
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    A dreadfully dull and uninteresting film. I also found the mannerisms of Kristen Stewart to be quite annoying.