Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

audience Reviews

, 86% Audience Score
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    It is the most convoluted and rushed mess of a thing I’ve ever seen of these recent Star Wars movies. Spends way too much time undoing plot events from the previous film instead of coming up with its own to move the plot forward. The epic finale of a 9 film saga ends with a whimper. Disappointing.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Der Film leidet vorallem unter seinen katastrophalen Vorgänger. Dennoch hat der Film viele Logiklücken und erinnert teils an ein Videospiel wo man verschieden Side-Quest erfüllen muss. Rey ist in diesen Film dann entgültig zu einer Mary Sue geworden und die wohl mächtigste Person die jemals in Star Wars gelebt hat. Palpatines Rückkehr ist unlogisch und irgendwie ist auch die Armarda von ihm auch komplett unrealistisch. Der Film ist halt einfach ein spaßiger Trashfilm der viele Logiklücken hat.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    Disney lost me in the Star Wars franchise with this movie. Too many inconsistent and character motivations, force abilities, and implausible choices. Felt like new force abilities were being created out of nowhere to try and wow us. Problem is those abilities are unsustainably overpowered and ruin future storytelling. Would love to see stories written as if each character were the main character of their own story. That is a high bar, though I believe you're very capable of it Disney!
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    While Last Jedi did more damage to the story, this movie comes out as the overall worst movie of the saga by a panic to over correct. Characters act out of character, whole plotlines come to an end abruptly and without any fan fare. Whole other plotlines are just retconned out. If anything, it retroactively makes the last jedi and the entire trilogy worse knowing that nothing led anywhere. Had they had the guts to stick with it, they could have smartly tied things together and even make us look at last jedi in a new and appreciative context. The final movie in the trilogy does away with any setup from the previous films to bring back palpatine, which cheapens the original 6 films, to try and get butts in the seat. Disney views this franchise as a cash cow, and they quickly realized that poor quality and writing doesn't equal lots of tickets
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Visually stunning, action-packed, absurd, convoluted, shallow drivel. Flashy without substance. Amounts to bird droppings on the tombstone of Star Wars, which died with TLJ.
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    At its core, Episode IX is an acceptable film. However, it's incredibly underwhelming for the last installment of the Skywalker Saga
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    As a generic Sci Fi film, The Rise of Skywalker works fine, but unfortunately, it is the concluding chapter of the 8 previous Star Wars films, in this case, this movie fails in almost every possible way to give the saga a satisfying ending. Yes, the movie does not bore you, it is action packed and moves at a relatively fast narrative speed, but there are absolutely nothing that makes the previous films special left in this film, it is terribly hallow. Characters that have enormous potentials like Finn and Poe does not get any attention in the film, and the main character Rey which trilogy spends two movie portraying got to be one of the most disappointing main character in any Star Wars Media, Daisy Ridley is a good actress and did the best she could with what she was given, but that does not change the fact that what she was given was a Mary Sue character who barley have any character development in any of the movies. Now to the antagonist, bringing Palpatine back shows that the producer does not want to spend any time on portraying a new character, but the reveal is not only poorly written(since the film never explained how he returned), bring Palpatine back basically means all the work that the characters did in the previous six films are worth nothing, cause according to the movie:"Somehow, Palpatine returned". The ending of this movie is also terribly written, until now, 5 years later, I still does not understand why Rey was able to defeat Palpatine just because she got another lightsaber. Oh did I forgot to mention, there are no ending fight scenes in this movie, just a mary sue character reflecting lighting. Overall, if episode 8 is a movie that divided the franchise, episode 9 united the franchise once again, because of how disappointing it is.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker attempts to tie up the saga's loose ends with epic scale and nostalgia, but falls short of delivering a perfect conclusion. The saga's end boasts impressive visual effects and thrilling action sequences, though its pace and convoluted plot leave little room for total closure. With strong performances from Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver, Episode IX closes on a relatively strong note, though leaving viewers with more questions than answers.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    It tried to repair the damage from episode 8 but ended up becoming overdone and childish. It assumes the audience will accept just about anything it throws their way, including the ridiculous reveal in the opening crawl. It's a fun movie, I guess, especially for young children, but it is not a good movie by any means. A disappointing end to a disappointing trilogy. I blame episode 8 for setting it up for failure.
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    It was Terrible! not visually but the story was straight up taken out of a trashcan, nothing makes sense, they straight up forgot a LOT of lor and Rey is a Palpatine! NOT A Skywalker!