The Batman

audience Reviews

, 87% Audience Score
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This movie was a huge letdown. There were not enough action scenes with how long it was and it just felt stretched out.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    A big let down. The movie is presented as a detective story featuring Batman as the world's greatest detective. The problem is he doesn't solve the case at all. In addition, he has very poor self control, and doesn't actually save anyone in the whole movie.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Maybe I just have too short an attention span, but I couldn't watch past the first half hour. I got bored.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My favorite Batman to date. It pays homage to the source materials of Batman years 0-2. While Pattinson doesn't play the best Bruce Wayne, it's true to where he was at in the source material. He's still young, full of rage, lacking control, doesn't want anything to do with daddy's money, and hasn't formed both of his altar ego yet. Great acting. An amazing noire detective flick that highlights Batman's true nature of being "The World's Greatest Detective". Great acting all around, and by far the best rendition of Gotham so far. Instant classic for me!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    best batman movie oat.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the best comic book movie I have seen, period. I mean it. All the characters are great, the VFX is stunning and The Riddler is an excellent villain
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is another take on Batman - there's a reason why the original character is so popular, however this version of Batman is not. As another reviewer put it "do we really need another Batman movie?", especially as it pertains to this one. This movie had a little Nightstalker in it and to borrow a term from the the Arts, Gothic impressionism baked into it (intentional or unintentional?). While DC Animated movies are "killing it" this movie reminded me of why DC struggle at the box office and frankly I'm surprised it earned as much as it did. The film runtime is far too long and I struggled mightily to get through it. Real adaptations of Batman have always struggled getting the right Batman but Robert Pattison is certainly not him. I also wonder why directors (and producers?) obsess over mental illness (same goes for Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of the Joker - its disturbing - we see enough disturbing things all day, must we be reminded of it even when being entertained?) the way they do and stick to it throughout the film. I love John Torturro but not as Carmine Falcone, he seemed more comical than serious. Finally this movie (and the Joker) is not a movie a child or even a younger person should watch (PG-13?).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Obra maestra quien fue el genio de esta película? Más bien porque le dijeron al genio que hiciera la película de mis sueños impactante la actuación de Robert Pattinson me enacanto todo espero y si hagan secuela
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The perfect representation of the Batman year zero comic. The film highlights the detective role that has always been missing from other representations, furthermore he can be defined as the most down-to-earth Batman of all as he doesn't use sci-fi gadgets like the others. The settings of this always dark Gotham are beautiful. The plot is well written and well articulated
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Breath of fresh air. The movie has it's flaws but I feel people harp way too much on the nitpicks of this movie instead of the things it does so well. While its long and a little slow at times, the cinematography and action in this movie is so cool its hard to not love. This is a super hero movie that actually takes itself seriously and mostly stays true to its character something that has sadly become rare nowadays with Marvel movies basically being comedies.