The Crow

audience Reviews

, 62% Audience Score
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Movie is too long...if i had my way on the edit...i would trim to 90 mins and cut out all the back and forth to pergatory and slow scenes.Feel he did a decent job as the isnt as bad as the snooty rotten writers have it.feel ppl rated it low because they redid a masterpiece.Get over it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I never review movies but when I saw the poor reviews I was disappointed because I really wanted to see this movie. I watched it anyway and I m a bit lost on why all the hate for it, I thought it was a bit of a masterpiece to be honest! And I ll defo watch it again!
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    As long as you go in to it not expecting it to be the original it a good move watch.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Okay, hear me out. The Crow (2024) was NOT a bad film. It was actually, pretty decent. The direction was tight. The action sequences and FX were really right on. And the performances were…fine. I try not to compare content, and let each work stand on its own merits or lack thereof, but considering the ‘94 predecessor has such a strong, lasting legacy, it has to be said, that where this version really excels is in the story. Minor, minor, minor spoilers, but a significant portion of this picture is about the relationship between Eric (the Crow) and his starcrossed love, Shelly. The ‘94 version really just uses Shelly as a motivating plot device (fridging her, about half a decade before that particularly lazy trope was given a proper name). The ‘24 film actually fleshed out Shelly (arguably moreso than Eric) making her tragically truncated arc all the more interesting- or at the very least, giving more weight to the narrative and providing the audience with something more substantial to go on than just “dead girlfriend.” That alone is enough to put it higher on the storytelling shelf than the beloved ‘94 movie, and while the pacing could’ve been tightened up a bit, it’s still a surprisingly solid, dark tale of vengeance and romance. It’s also far more grounded- even though it still has wildly fantastical elements, but overall, on its own and in comparison, it’s a well-done flick that was worth the big screen treatment.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    This is a different take on the crow... there was some very bad dialogue. The action was good tho and the way he emerges from the bathtub and walks up those stairs and takes all those bullets two very coldest scenes. No one is really liking Bill skarsgsrd newer films everyone is hoping he stay as one role pennywise but when it comes to action films he does a damn brilliant job.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Eric Draven e Shelly se encontram em uma instituição onde estão presos. Ele se apaixonam e fogem de lá para viver esse amor. Porém, tem vida curta pois o passado sombrio de Shelly e eles são assassinados pelos homens de Nicholas Roeg. Eric recebe então a missão de salvar a alma de Shelly, Para isso, ele parte uma missão de vingança. O filme de 1994 tornou-se um cult infelizmente pela morte trágica de Brandon Lee, mas também pelo seu visual gótico e pela interpretação de Brandon. Trinta anos depois, este remake tenta alcançar o sucesso de seu antecessor mais falha miseravelmente. Se aqui ganha pontos em nos apresentar a história de amor de Eric e Shelly, no que o outro passa por cima, ele perde em muitos outros pontos. Primeiro, todo o visual gótico é abandonado. A cidade é apenas uma cidade grande violenta qualquer, Se os vilões do filme de 1994, tinham uma certa presença, os desse são meros capanga e mesmo o chefão interpretado por Danny Huston é igual a tantos outros de outros filmes, Mesmo tendo poderes que não são explicados. Bill Skarsgard constrói o seu Eric muito mais soturno e depressivo do que o de Brandon, que mais parecia um vigilante enlouquecido de HQs. A sequência no teatro é violenta e muito boa. FKA Twigs é péssima como atriz e não convence, não tendo química nenhuma com o Bill. No fim, acabamos tendo um filme mediano para ruim, que não soube aproveitar tudo o que tinha na HQ (ao contrário do filme de 1994) e só nos oferece um protagonista de visual muito legal. É muito pouco.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    I liked the part with the plastic bag, that's about it. Seriously though, bad film.
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    I am a huge fan of the original Brandon Lee Crow movie, so this one had a lot to live up to. I’m sad to report this failed fairly miserably. It’s like one of those things where they ask the person to draw a face they’ve never seen before from a description of another person. This movie had the name, and a basic idea of the character, but it lacked the magic of the first movie. The sequel to the original was better than this, but that was mainly because they were following the same formula. They painted by the numbers you might say. This movie didn’t know the colors to paint, and the numbers were missing. It wasn’t the actors fault I doubt, it just felt like bad writing. Also, they took a page out of DC and tried to turn The Crow into a Jared Leto travesty version of Joker. This movie had no art. It had no soul. It was all gore and rock music. If someone had never seen the original, they might like it better, but it just lacked the soul of the original.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    It honestly wasn't bad, I'm not sure why people are hating on it so much. I made sure to watch the original first and I thought this one was better in my opinion 🤷‍♀️
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I can't understand the criticism of the film. The remake is a solid interpretation from 1994.