The Eight Hundred

audience Reviews

, 78% Audience Score
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    idk it was good for a chinese movie
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Um filme realmente muito bom! Apesar do começo necessitar de um pouco mais de atenção para entender complemente a história se você não conhecer sobre a guerra retratada, o filme decorre com o tanto de tragédia, carnificina e drama necessário para te envolver e se emocionar com os personagens apresentados. Um filme que merece mais reconhecimento
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My teeth hurt and my feet ache.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very good film and show me that how tragic the counter-Japanese war is.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Any human must witness the history. This chapter is unforgetable and shall forever be remembered. I wholeheartedly saluted the director and actors for their outstanding performances. The picture is beautiful, battle is realistic and sound effect is great. I love this movie. It made me tear and cries more than i could imagine. Please share it out and support this movie !!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    São nesses filmes de guerra que temos a mais absoluta certeza que nesse tipo de evento só morrem pessoas inocentes, de ambos os lados, e os únicos culpados são os governantes, os bandidos de colarinho branco, atrás de suas mesas confortavelmente no ar condicionado, enquanto milhares de jovens, homens e mulheres se autodestrói impiedosamente, triste, trágico, um filme lindo e longo, excelente produção, ótima ambientação e linda fotografia...
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    This movie is a lot, too much. There's so much going on that sometimes it's hard to keep track of all the characters, or even have an emotional attachment to them. But the the Chinese do know how to make some fine epic action scenes. This has some brutal action, but you don't feel anything for the characters though. If I was Chinese I sure as hell would've been moved by this film. It's Chinese Nationalism through the roof. There's an almost unintentionally comedic scene where they're raising the Chinese flag on top of the warehouse and a Japanese plane keeps mowing them down and knocking the flag over. Men keep coming over and putting it back up. It cause all the men, and people across the river in Shanghai to shed 1 tear. They made sure so see every single face that was shedding that tear. Overall it's a damn fine war epic, shot and directed brilliantly. It is an incredible true story that, needed a movie like this to honor those men who gave their lives.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Okay personally I love Chinese films and to see something like these capture something that happened in the second-Sino Japanese war with pretty decent acting and plenty of action. It shows what it looked like when the Japanese was overwhelming China and they to hold up in a Shanghai warehouse. Not to mention this movie is based on a real event called the the defense of Sihang Warehouse I love when films do this and base their movies on real life events and on top of that do a pretty good job in the process. Now the thing that holds back The eight Hundred is this one simple thing for me. some things can be very cliché not I'm not going to say that this makes it a bad movie because it's not. So if you like a good action movie with a lot of blood gore pretty good acting and has good visuals then yes the eight hundred is a good choice. But if you are looking for a more of a story than an action movie than no I wouldn't recommend. 好吧,就我个人而言,我喜欢中国电影,看到这样的东西以相当不错的演技和大量的动作捕捉了中日战争中发生的事情。它显示了日本人压倒中国时的样子,他们被关在上海的仓库里。更不用说这部电影是基于一个真实的事件,叫做"四行仓库的辩护",我喜欢这部电影,电影这样做,并将他们的电影建立在现实生活中的事件之上,最重要的是在这个过程中做得很好。现在阻碍八百的事情对我来说是一件简单的事情。有些事情可能非常陈词滥调,我不会说这使它成为一部糟糕的电影,因为它不是。所以如果你喜欢一部好动作片,有很多血腥的演技,演技很好,视觉效果很好,那么是的,八百是一个不错的选择。但是,如果你正在寻找一个故事而不是一部动作片,我不会推荐。
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Proof that China can make jaw-dropping movies when nobody else can (but they just don't)
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Kolossal di stampo cinese che non lesina in effetti grafici e ottiene da questi un ottimo risultato. La trama è semplice da comprendere nei suoi eventi principali, ma il contesto storico della battaglia non viene spiegato con sufficiente chiarezza. I personaggi denotano una certa arretratezza del cinema orientale in questo ambito, non sono originali ed interessanti, alcuni sono troppo bizzarri. Le location costruite sono molto interessanti e nonostante la lunga durata, non ci sono fasi ripetitive. Sicuramente un film che ha anche il merito di aprire nuovi orizzonti per il cinema cinese.