
audience Reviews

, 70% Audience Score
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    Should have stopped at 3. Horrible acting, horrible plot, horrible special effects. Jason Strawhat couldnt hold a lead with a basket. New "action stars". Boring action sequences. Predictable plot. A parody of itself.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    People only like it bc it has Megan Fox in it period. Why can't they just keep the same guys or add only one not a whole different crew. Im sorry id rather see Rhonda again because she knows how to fight for real. Make it real not fake.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sylvester is a legend!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    we have reached the 4th chapter of Expendables or Expend4bles, Expend4bles was the 1st film of the saga that I saw at the cinema and therefore I recovered the first 3 the following year, I liked Expend4bles a lot but I don't understand how it is possible that has a score of 14%. it's too low, it deserved to exceed 20% but I'll get over it. I'll close this review by saying that the film is good and that it deserves a few higher scores and I hope for a 5th film, see you next time
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    Hahaha:) Was that a joke? Because I didn't get it. I love the first, second and third movie. They are great. I booted the fourth part and I stopped watching after around 5-10 minutes. A helicopter approached a humvee 5 meters away to shoot at it and the "family argument" at the door was made with green screen. I have seen YouTube amateurs that made better green screens than this. I laughed:) they didn't even find a house to make a short scene there...
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Filme: Mercenários 4 @expendables Assistido: 28-12-24 Elenco: @slystallone @jasonstham @dolphlundgren @meganfox @tonyjaaofficial @andygarcia @iko.uwais @50cent @xcnatch @jacobscipio @levytrnofficial Modelo: #ação #mercenarios #guerra Duração: 1h 43m Ano: 2023 Minha opinião: Mercenários 1 (2010), 2 (2012), 3 (2014), 4 (2023). Talvez este filme que sela o fim desta franquia. Aqui temos Megan Fox, como líder dos Mercenários, sim isso mesmo. Mais surpresas, 50mCent, Levy Tran, Jacob Scipio (como filho Baderas), Eddie Hall, Tony Jaa e como o vilão Iko Uwais. O elenco que vem desde o 1º; Stallone, Stathan, Lundgren e Couture. Depois brilhantes vilões com JCV e Mel Gibson e aqui temos Iko Uwais, a diferença é muito grande, pois ele não tem aquela pervecidade, representada pelos outros. Neste filme temos a “morte de Stallone” logo no ínicio do filme, mas ele reaparece como milagre no final do filme salvando Stathan. Mas uma vez os Mercenários tem que salvar o Mundo de uma Guerra. As cenas do grupo, são quase patéticas, as atuações patéticas, um pateta que não tem graça nenhuma. Uma cinergia que não acontece nesse grupo e com cenas de ação fraca deles. Fox esta perdida neste filme. A melhor parte são as cenas de Stathan. Até as cenas de Iko nas lutas, estão aquém. E aqui também é bem menor as explosões. A maior parte do filme se passa dentro de um navio. E tem uma cena ao estilo de “Comando Delta” filme de Chuck Norris, onde ele pilota uma mota com metralhadoras, filme de 1986. Roteiro e enredo ruins, interpretações ruins,..... Vale apena assistir? Sim para quem for fã. Nota: 4
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Predictable. Was just not well done at all. Meagan was not a good choice. Seriously wth were they thinking...
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    At first it was interesting to see so many action stars together. This fourth installment is a bad version of the previous ones. As implausible as the Fast & Furious saga but with a smaller budget and a host of major production errors. Al principio era interesante ver a tantas estrellas de acción juntas. Esta cuarta entrega es una mala versión de las anteriores. Tan inverosímil como la saga Fast & Furious pero con un presupuesto menor y un sinfín de errores de producción importantes.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    The biggest pile of sht made ever
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Very good action movie following the theme of the first three.