The Father

audience Reviews

, 92% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Trying and deeply moving. Stellar performances. Anthony Hopkins is remarkable. The writing is brilliant. A must see piece of magnificent cinema.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Surreal. Filmes que abordam doenças são complicados, e é muito difícil fazê-los sem recorrer a um fiapo de esperança para os espetadores. Os responsáveis pelo "O Pai" fugiram disso, e mostraram a doença de Alzheimer com uma maestria irritante, fugindo do óbvio com filmes em terceira pessoa e colocando-nos na pele do próprio personagem que com ela sofre, causando a confusão maluca que era planejada desde o início. Nos olhos de Anthony, sentimos sua confusão na pele. Não sabemos se, na troca de cenas, passaram-se horas, dias ou meses; qual dos dois atores colocados representam o genro real do personagem; a mudança de rostos familiares, ambiente. Tudo isso nos deixa sem chão e com a necessidade cansativa de ter algo a se agarrar. Não focando apenas na conhecida característica de esquecimento da doença, os produtores também retrataram as mudanças de humor, cismas (com o relógio) e outros aspectos que a ela pertencem. A edição trabalhou de forma impecável para poder deixar todas as cenas com a mesma temperatura de cor (e assim o tempo parecer confuso aos nossos olhos) e cortes muito bem colocados, mas não há nada de surpreendente vindo de um diretor que conhece sua obra com a ponta da língua. Devido à isso, ainda, sabe muito bem quando trazer à tona os momentos de lucidez de Anthony (quando torna-se divertido) e os de confusão, onde seu olhar vaga pelo ambiente em derrota. Mesmo que toda a trama passe sob o olhar do senhor, entendemos a dor e as questões de sua filha, também. Nos emociona sem se esforçar para isso, uma vez que outras histórias decorrem em segundo plano (como a tragédia de Lucy) e não tentam fazer-nos chorar goela abaixo. Se lágrimas foram derramadas, foi pela maestria do roteiro, atores e produção em demonstrar o terror cotidiano que a obra apresenta.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Deeply touching movie. Great acting, just the right amount of length.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Incredible performances from all actors. One of the best movies I've ever seen.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was hard to watch. Amazing but hard to watch especially if you’re going through this at the time of viewing. Anthony Hopkins was what every actor strives to achieve….excellence
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    This movie will mess with your mind. Then it will tear you up inside. But if you focus on the disorienting trip it takes you on, you may be able to stave off the tears.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Somehow less digestable than a violent movie at the moment. I think we can find more causes for dementia in the underworld ...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Anthony Hopkins proves that he gave the best perfomance of 2022.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Easily one of the best films of last year, I don't recall ever seeing a movie that so fully encapsulates its subject matter that the viewer almost experiences what its protagonist is going through. It's almost a virtual reality motion picture! This movie will likely hit many different viewers in many different ways. As I've shared before, I am living with an elderly parent (dad turned 83 in October) so obviously this movie struck me on a whole different plain than perhaps a younger viewer who hasn't seen the effects and deterioration of a loved one. That being said, I think audiences of all ages will be moved by the story here. It's a rather jarring and somewhat confusing experience, but as frustrating as that may be at times, I imagine that is precisely what the filmmakers were trying to accomplish. To say that this may be the performance of Hopkins' career is the highest of compliments - it's an utterly believable and shattering performance, particuarly in the final moments where he provides some of the finest acting I've ever seen. I know his Oscar win earlier this year was somewhat controversial, but he MORE than deserved it. And Colman, who seemingly can do no wrong these last few years, matches him step by step - she is extremely affecting and relatable. I've heard that this will be the first of a trilogy of movies that will also include THE MOTHER and THE SON. If the rest of these projects excel as well as this one, it may be one of the great trilogies in recent memory. And, once again, Hopkins is magnificent - watch this along with THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and you'll experience the great range of a brilliant thespian.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This movie revolves around the theme of dementia. While there are many good films on this topic like "Honig im Kopf", this particular one is unique. Firstly, it features Anthony Hopkins, who is considered one of the best actors on earth, and his portrayal of the character with dementia is perfect. Secondly, the movie puts you in the position of the person with dementia, allowing you to experience the confusion and disorientation that the character goes through. This is what makes the film so great - it helps us understand the disease better and gives us a glimpse of what it might feel like to have it.