The Order

audience Reviews

, 89% Audience Score
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    The Cinematography is just beautiful. Those sweeping scenes of Jude Law driving through the landscape are breathtaking. An incredible cast overall, but the three male leads, Jude Law, Nicholas Hoult and Tye Sheridan all show why they are some of the best actors out there at the moment.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    What were the critic thinking?!s
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very engaging story, worryingly relevant to the current political climate in the USA. Great performances all round, really well paced and shot. Why aren't there more films like this? Would have flown under the radar but for RT.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Strong acting, writing and direction make this one a solid film.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Jude Law's acting was great. Story was interesting, ending was not satisfying. Tye Sheridan was a great secondary character and in some ways the best parts of this movie. I would say if you are interested in the history, its worth it's rating, I just particularly didn't think it was as good as a 90% movie ought to be.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing actor performances. Jude Law great in his role. Nicholas Hoult UNREAL really plays a beliverble twisted pycho well. Take a bow. Give it a watch!!
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Very well filmed, and nice to watch, but the ending linking the January 6 United States Capitol attack to the Turner diaries is just a fallacy of guilt by association.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Mikey’s Movie Review: The Order (2024) Directed by Australian helmer Justin Kurzel (Nitram), written by Zach Baylin (King Richard) and based on a true account, Amazon’s latest police thriller is a solid, good old-fashioned actioner. Occasionally gripping and thematically, somewhat timely. Set in 1983, Jude Law stars as Veteran FBI agent Terry Husk who after a heart operation and estranged from his wife and daughter, moves to Idaho looking for an easier caseload. After previously working on intense investigations of the Ku Klux Klan and La Cosa Nostra, he soon begins investigating the actions of a splinter group of the Aryan Nations. An organisation (inspired by The Turner Diaries*) who could be involved in a series of robberies, murder, counterfeit and are possibly planning an attack on the federal government. Law is a perfect fit for Husk. Grizzled and broken but determined. Further proof he remains a frequently underused and underrated actor, and given the right material excells. Once again Nicholas Hoult (as the charismatic leader of The Order Bob Matthews) displays his exceptional range. With 4 completely different films in 2024 alone - The Garfield Movie, Nosferatu, The Order and Juror#2 he has to be the most interesting, varied and in demand actor currently working in Hollywood. The supporting cast (especially Jurnee Smollett) is solid too, but if anything we have seen this kind of film many times before. Kurzel brings nothing new to the table in the delivery, apart from a breathless pace. While cinematographer Adam Arkapaw (Macbeth) ensures it looks great without being showy. The execution is simple but effective allowing the drama to play out and the films two main protagonists to shine. Overall an intense, chilling, thought-provoking ride worthy of your time. Mikey’s Movie Rating: 4/5* *The Turner Diaries is one of the most controversial and influential works in shaping white nationalism. It has inspired numerous hate crimes and acts of terrorism, including; the Oklahoma City bombing (1995), the London nail bombings (1999) and the mob riot / attempted coup of the White House in 2021…
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    (CASTELLANO) The Order (La Hermandad Silenciosa) ofrece un viaje tenso y bien ejecutado por los oscuros rincones del extremismo estadounidense en los años 80. La película destaca no solo por su ritmo trepidante y sus secuencias de acción bien construidas, sino también por el trasfondo político que resuena inquietantemente en la actualidad. Aunque Jude Law y Nicholas Hoult se reparten el protagonismo, es Law quien aporta una fuerza magnética a su papel, haciendo que cada escena en la que aparece cobre intensidad. La dirección de Justin Kurzel consigue mantener la tensión de principio a fin. Su habilidad para crear atmósferas opresivas y para rodar escenas de violencia con realismo convierte este thriller en algo más que una simple película de persecuciones y tiroteos. Sin embargo, aunque la trama mantiene el interés, a veces cae en clichés del género, lo que le resta originalidad. A pesar de estos altibajos, The Order logra mantenerse firme como un relato potente sobre los peligros del fanatismo. No solo entretiene, sino que también invita a reflexionar sobre cómo estos movimientos extremistas del pasado siguen teniendo eco en el presente. Es una película que, sin grandes artificios, deja huella y consigue enganchar al espectador hasta el último minuto. (ENGLISH) The Order takes viewers on a tense, well-executed journey through the dark corners of American extremism in the 1980s. The film stands out not only for its fast-paced rhythm and well-crafted action sequences but also for its political backdrop, which resonates disturbingly with current events. While Jude Law and Nicholas Hoult share the spotlight, it's Law who brings a magnetic presence to his role, adding intensity to every scene he's in. Justin Kurzel’s direction keeps the tension high from start to finish. His ability to create oppressive atmospheres and film violence with stark realism elevates this thriller beyond a simple tale of chases and shootouts. However, while the plot remains engaging, it occasionally falls into genre clichés, which slightly undermines its originality. Despite these minor flaws, The Order holds strong as a powerful narrative about the dangers of fanaticism. It doesn’t just entertain—it prompts reflection on how extremist movements from the past continue to echo in the present. Without relying on flashy tricks, this is a film that leaves a mark and keeps viewers hooked until the very last minute.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A great narrative that uses historical events from the 80s as a basis for a work of fiction that sadly reflects today's American society. An exceptional film by Justin Kurzel and Zach Baylin, based on the incredible work of Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt. It definitely deserves your attention in 2025.