The Pope: Answers

audience Reviews

, 85% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I went into The Pope: Answers with an open mind and lit did not disappoint. Despite the hard hitting and at times confronting topics brought up by the young participants, Pope Francis comfortably navigates through topics such as abortion, corruption, sexuality, abuse,etc. The young people who were invited to ask the Pope questions came from diverse backgrounds and beliefs appealing to a wide audience.Overall, it was very interesting to listen to the Popes views on these challenging topics and props to Disney/Hulu for producing a doco that goes against the overwhelmingly pessimistic media narrative.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Una platica con papa francisco sin matices o limitantes, solo sus ideas sobre distintos temas de la sociedad, es simplemente impresionante.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I think it's fantastic that the pope is willing to listen and answer questions from ordinary young people. Lots of controversial and uncomfortable topics are brought up. Even though Francis does his best to answer, this documentary to me, highlights the abuse within the church, physically and emotionally. It highlights corruption and patriarchy. The Pope Francis seems like an approachable, nice guy, but even he can't answer all questions satisfactorily. This programme highlights problems within the dogmatic church as an institution and how they need to accept the LGBTQ+ community . Not just how Jesus 'loved' sinners, because that's patronising, but how Jesus loves everyone and embraced their sexual orientation and accepted it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dicen que la iglesia esta en crisis y este documental me parece una muestra de ello, no por esto me deja de parecer algo genial que todos deberían ver para conocer la opinión del máximo líder espiritual del mundo en cuanto a temas actuales, históricos y polémicos en una conversación con jóvenes de diferentes partes del mundo, diferentes culturas y estilos de vida. Me parece que claramente Francisco quiere enviar un mensaje al mundo sobre como la iglesia se esta reformando, la nueva dirección que busca tomar y, para aquellos que pertenecen a la iglesia, advertirles sobre las cosas que se están haciendo mal y que no va haber tolerancia.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very timely and relevant. A must-see!