The Requin

audience Reviews

, 6% Audience Score
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Had great potential but executed so badly. The CGI looks like it should have been made in the 90's with Jaws. Don't bother watching it, the stupidity of the characters makes you want them to die 😂
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    "Jaws" shall always be crowned superior over its thrilling gimmick, leaving any sort of uncreative rip-offs uninteresting as this unwatchable film verified that with abysmal taste. (D+)
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    If you're feeling down and need a laugh this is the movie to watch. Probably the worst CGI, acting and storyline that you'll see this year. The credits at the start of the movie were impressive, I don't think anyone would've got to them if they were at the end of the movie.
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    Had bad acting at parts and the shark looked super fake at parts
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The visual effects were poor and it was just another version of a shark themed movie.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    This was the single most stupid movie I've EVER seen. Alicia Silverstone must owe the mob money to be doing this drivel! Her acting , as that of everyone else in the movie, is ABYSMAL! The CGI is laughable as well. And the "script"!! Who wrote this? A second grader??!!🤣🤣 And shame on us for watching the entire horrible thing. I was rooting for the CGI shark!! If I had to listen to Alicia moaning and shrieking and straining for another second.....dear Lord it was SO SO awful. Save yourself an hour and a half of misery, take a bath and read a great book instead. This movie will make you want to throw yourself into a propeller powered by a leaf blower!!!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Garbage. Horrible acting by lead actress sight and sound, I will never be able to watch Clueless again, which was a great movie. What happened. I watched till the end because I actually paid to rent it and on amazon you have to finish it to leave a review. Review bombing every site with lowest score. Amazon had 3.5 out of 5 LOL I should of looked at IMDB and RottT.
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    It's like a car accident on a rainy day.. you pass by it, but try to glance at it. Once i started watching it I could tell it was a very bad movie. But it had a few things going for it that made me want to see it through.. Again, only watch this movie if you enjoy looking at car accidents on a rainy day.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    One star for Alicia Silverstone, who surely deserves better than this.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Minha opinião: Encontrei este filme e comecei a ver por reconhecer Alicia do filme "Patricinhas de Bervehills". E ve-la todos estes anos depois foi um choque. E parei e pensei eu também devo ter envelhecido assim. Aqui ela não faz uma comédia e sim um suspense de ataque de tubarão. Estão ela e seu marido comemorando mais 1 ano de casamento e resolvem ir para um resort no mar. E eles estão hospedados no meio d praia,mas na madrugada veio uma tempestade e engoliu a cabana deles. E a cabana ficou aderiva no mar. Quando vi isso quase desliguei. E depois que a acabana no meio do mar pega fogo, ai sim tive certeza em desligar. Mas a vontade de ver no que daria. Fez continuar. Eles acabam em apenas algumas tabuas após o incêndio até o momento que aparece o tubarão e ataca eles e o marido morre. Ai fica só ela e o tubarão até a hora que tudo despedaça e ela acha uma jangada, mas ela esta ancorada e um nativo pescador a ajuda, mas ele morre comido pelo tubarão. Até chegar ao final do filme que ela precisa lutar com o tubarão se quiser sobreviver e ela sobrevive. Roteiro e enredo ruim, artista no fim de carreira. Vale apena assistir? não Nota: 2