The Return

audience Reviews

, 76% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The best new look at return of Odessey
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    The movie is for idiots. Right from the start nothing is believable. Not that they tried to hide it, but everyone knew Odysseus was the old guy. But still, 20 years, why haven’t the “savages” just killed the son, or why isn’t the son the king, or the Queen as the ruler? How’d the old man not drown when he washed ashore? You get the point. I paid to rent this movie and still turned it off after 30 minutes. If I didn’t pay for it, I’d of turned it off after 2 minutes.
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    You need the patience of Penelope to make it through this movie--it is so slow, frustratingly so. Would have stopped watching except for Juliette Binoche as Penelope.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Good cast, Good movie. Good approach to the Odyssey episode. Enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Return is a rather dull film up until the part where Odysseus confronts the suitors. However, the confrontation sequence manages to redeem the film. Unfortunately, when the story strays from its mythological elements, it feels quite awkward and out of place.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    My mom was a history buff and convinced me to watch this movie with her. I will say Ralph Fiennes does an absolute great job in the movie. His performance makes this movie worth the watch. Shot in Greece and the scenes have incredible views. In my books 7.7/10
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Realistic way of telling the journey going back to ithica
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cast and acting are phenomenal. Great minimalist approach and drama
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Es muy difícil adaptar La Odisea, lo más sencillo es su ultimo acto que es el que tiene menos fantasía y me parece que aquí lo hicieron bien, claramente no se quisieron complicar y quitaron todo rastro del fantástico dejando un retrato mucho más humano de Odiseo, que más allá de ser un héroe de guerra vuelve a casa tras 20 años de guerra y tragedias como un hombre derrotado, solo, sin soldado, sin riquezas, sin nada y Ralph Fiennes lo interpreta de una manera excelente. Me gustó también como fue el armado y manejo de "Los Pretendientes", están muy bien y si se sienten amenazantes en todo momento. Es una película pequeña, se ve y se siente así, es algo lenta ya que se toma su tiempo para ir mostrando la situación actual de Itaca y como Odiseo se va recuperando poco a poco para tomar nuevamente su lugar en el trono.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I'll admit, I walked into this film expecting a cinematic masterpiece—it is a retelling of a classic epic, after all. But alas, this movie stumbled like a sailor lost at sea. Ralph Fiennes, as always, delivered a powerhouse performance because, well, he’s Ralph Fiennes. Sadly, even his immense talent couldn't bail this ship out of its narrative woes. The filmmakers chose to focus solely on the last chapters of The Odyssey, which felt like showing up to a party just in time for cleanup. By skipping the earlier chapters, they sacrificed the rich backstory, vibrant Greek culture, and essential character development that make Odysseus's journey so compelling. Without that, the suitors seemed like random party crashers, and Odysseus's reunion with his family lacked emotional weight. If you’re going to tackle a monumental epic like The Odyssey, there are two options: go big or go home. Unfortunately, this one stayed home... and ordered takeout.