Thor: Love and Thunder

audience Reviews

, 76% Audience Score
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    This half star is literally for Christian Bale, literally the only good thing in this movie, the rest flush it down the toilet
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It is a fun movie, It was nice to see Jane Foster back, and i didn't know that Heimdall has a son, hope to see him more in the future. But what i'm really interested is to see what do they do with Gorr's Daughter in the future movies.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    badly written with a terrible plot and horrible character decisions absolutely destroyed thors character
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    It was one of the worst Marvel movies I've watched, but it felt more like something to check off the movie schedule than a real developed film. The only cool thing was Bale's performance. Otherwise, it was deplorable.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Poor storyline compared to the previous Thor movies, the film is more about Jane than Thor, but passes the time.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I mean, it was a film. Tried to make jokes at every turn, even when moments should have been serious. Established some weird things in the MCU that make old stories feel irrelevant. You can watch it, but I don't feel like this movie helped the MCU at all.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This movie can't ever seem to take it self serious.
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    the film has a fairly simple plot. In the film the good characterization of Mighty Thor and Gorr excels while as regards Thor a step forward has been made as he is more serious than the previous film but still far from being a good well characterized character. The CGI is some of the worst in Marvel movies.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I most of the time rate movies higher than others do, but in this case I just cant. Im being honest, and I hated this movie. It felt like a cheap kids movie and while watching it, I forgot that its a Thor movie. This Movie shows how family friendly Marvel got, and I hate it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hot take I think this is a good movie