Venom: The Last Dance

critic Reviews

, 41% Rotten Tomatometer Score
  • The always watchable Tom Hardy injects ample charisma into Venom: The Last Dance, but the offering buckles under its convoluted tonal ambitions.
  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Sara Michelle
    Venom: The Last Dance is not some great comic book superhero masterpiece, and neither were the first two pieces of this trilogy. But Hardy and Marcel had a game plan and they steadfastly followed it all the way to the end. I respect that.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Larushka Ivan-ZadehDaily Mail (UK)
    The comedy is below par, the set-pieces distinctly unmemorable and the plot holes are gaping.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Jake WilsonThe Age (Australia)
    Billed as the final instalment of the Venom trilogy and feels like a contractual obligation for nearly everyone concerned.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Sarah-Tai BlackGlobe and Mail
    The Last Dance remains steadfast in the franchise’s commitment to storytelling that, like a pot of water that never quite hits boiling point, is neither so-bad-it’s-good nor so bad it’s raucously entertaining, even if only unintentionally so.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    David JenkinsLittle White Lies
    The film is, for the most part, a litany of bad, embarrassing or lowest-common-denominator choices, and it’s unsurprising that the love interest from previous films, Michelle Williams, has opted to cut and run with this new one.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Wendy IdeObserver (UK)
    Hardy is a highlight, playing Eddie as a man who has had more than enough of the party that's raging in his head, but Kelly Marcel's film is a sloppy, incoherent let-down.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Matt HudsonBloody Awesome Movie Podcast
    Venom: The Last Dance sputters to an unsatisfying conclusion that will likely leave fans of the series wishing for something more. Tom Hardy may not quite be phoning it in, but it's clear the fire has gone. Please let this be the final dance. Please.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Fausto FernandezFotogramas
    A spectacular film... with a sentimental, emotional, and dramatic touch that was not expected in this departure(?) of the Lethal Protector. [Full review in Spanish]
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Sean ChandlerSean Chandler Talks About
    While there is some fun to be had (in particular in the 3rd act), the story is a mess. Three movies into this trilogy, it's disappointing they never figured out how to craft film which is both fun and coherent.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Marcel’s film has a ton of potential in a cast that’s clearly game and centered on a terrifically entertaining performance from Hardy. When it’s having fun, “The Last Dance” is infectiously delightful, but those moments are too far and few in between.
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