We Live in Time

critic Reviews

, 83% Fresh Tomatometer Score
  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Kristy PuchkoMashable
    We Live in Time is profoundly mediocre, lacking the verve, sexiness, and raw human emotion we’ve come to expect from Pugh and Garfield.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Michael RechtshaffenHollywood Reporter
    While We Live in Time and its subject matter might not lay claim to the audience uplift of Crowley’s Oscar-nominated Brooklyn, seldom has such an unflinchingly honest take on mortality felt so transcendently life-affirming.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Mark AschLittle White Lies
    This is simply a generic and brutally efficient tearjerker—like its title, it aspires to archetypal grandeur and lands somewhere blander.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Richard LawsonVanity Fair
    I like much of the film’s drifting and darting cadence, but it forces us into a more objective vantage point. The movie remains broadly appealing nonetheless, endearing us to two people and making us ache for them.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Tim GriersonScreen International
    Ultimately, We Live In Time views Tobias and Almut as abstractions, and by jumping back and forth in time, it never makes them very present.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    David EhrlichindieWire
    Scrambling its love story out of order allows We Live in Time to make the most of its gentle touch, if only because its hands are wrapped around our necks from the moment starts.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Zach PopeZach Pope Reviews
    We Live In Time sends you through a transcending level of emotions as it flashes through the life of one couple. Relatable, emotional, funny, awkward, but sincerely real. Andrew Garfield & Florence Pugh are perfect
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Luis Martínez El Mundo (Spain)
    A worthy romantic drama. [Full review in Spanish]
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Diego BatlleOtroscines.com
    ... A new age movie for the TikTok era; while dressed elegantly and with consequence, absolutely devious and manipulative. [Full review in Spanish]
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Louisa MooreScreen Zealots
    A highly emotional tearjerker about the choices that define our lives, the film works well despite crossing the line into overly melodramatic territory thanks to the natural chemistry from co-stars Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh.
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