Brian Geraghty

Actor Brian Geraghty made a strong impression when he faced off against Jake Gyllenhaal in the Desert Storm marine drama, "Jarhead" (2005). His subsequent war film about the United States' subsequent war, "The Hurt Locker" (2009), also rated among his most acclaimed works. Fresh-faced, clean-cut and sporting the physique of a lifelong surfer, Geraghty was courted for manly fare like sports films, but he also showed range with Terry Zwigoff's indie "Art School Confidential" (2006) and Emilio Estevez' "Bobby" (2006). After his auspicious Hollywood start the actor lost some momentum, but his starring role in the Oscar-winning Best Picture "The Hurt Locker" reintroduced him to audiences and film critics who were even more captivated the second time around.