John Brumpton

John Brumpton was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Brumpton began his acting career with roles in such films as "Night Out" (1989), "Life" (1997) and "Dance Me to My Song" (1998) with Heather Rose. He also appeared in "Redball" (1999). He continued to act in productions like "Storm Warning" (2007), "Nature's Grave" (2008) with Jim Caviezel and the foreign "The Combination" (2009) with George Basha. More recently, he continued to act in "Last Ride" (2012), the dramatic adaptation "The Hunter" (2012) with Willem Dafoe and the horror movie "The Loved Ones" (2012) with Xavier Samuel. Brumpton most recently acted in the Ditch Davey thriller "Crawlspace" (2013).